It is estimated that about half of Germany households have pets. The word for a house pet in Germany is das Haustier or das Heimtier, while someone who owns a pet is der/die Tierhalter/-in or der/die Tierbesitzer/-in.
Lisa sagt ehrlich, dass Dingos nicht für jeden als Haustiere geeignet sind.
Lisa honestly says that dingoes are not suitable for everyone as pets.
Caption 53, Die Top Ten: Die unglaublichsten Tiererlebnisse
Play Caption
Experten appellieren an Tierbesitzer, für ihre Lieblinge vorzusorgen.
Experts appeal to pet owners to make provisions for their pets.
Captions 23-24, Für Tierfreunde: Wohin mit Tieren wenn Besitzer sterben
Play Caption
The most common house pets in Germany are cats and dogs:
Wir wohnen auf einem Dorf und haben zwei Katzen daheim und einen Hund.
We live in a village and we have two cats at home and a dog.
Caption 21, Anna: Am Strand in Mexiko
Play Caption
Während Hunde und Katzen gute Chancen haben, weitervermittelt zu werden, sieht das bei Reptilien etwas anders aus.
While dogs and cats have a good chance of being rehomed, the situation is quite different with reptiles.
Captions 4-5, Für Tierfreunde: Wohin mit Tieren wenn Besitzer sterben
Play Caption
However, there are also other typical favorites, particularly among small children:
Die meisten Familien haben Fische, Katzen, Kaninchen, Schildkröten und Hunde. Also, ich selbst habe einen Hund.
Most families have fish, cats, rabbits, turtles, and dogs. Well, I myself have a dog.
Captions 5-6, Haustiere mit Duk Hee
Play Caption
So, das ist ein Hamster. Hier ist er, der Hase von neulich. Ich setz ihn in den Käfig.
So, this is a hamster. Here he is: the rabbit from the other day. I'll put him in the cage.
Captions 6-7, Weihnachtsmann gesucht: Engel kann man nicht besitzen
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And some people also have exotic birds, such as parrots or parakeets:
Wie heißt denn der Wellensittich? -Willi, wie Lilly.
What's the parakeet's name? -Willi, like Lilly.
Caption 40, Lilly unter den Linden: Eine schwierige Wahl
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Wir haben auch einen kleinen Vogel, einen Papagei.
We even have a little bird, a parrot.
Caption 5, Nicos Weg: Meine Heimat
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For people who live in rural environments, certain farm animals may also be seen as pets:
Im Sommer kann man auch Pony reiten, Kühe sehen, Schweine, Ziegen, Gänse und manchmal auch einen Esel.
In the summer one can also ride ponies, see the cows, pigs, goats, geese, and sometimes even a donkey.
Captions 21-22, Berlin: Domäne Dahlem
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Jede Ziege hat zwei Hörner und vier Beine.
Each goat has two horns and four legs.
Caption 13, Heidi: Der Schultest
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Dann trafen sie die gelbe Ente und den Hasen.
Then they met the yellow duck and the hare.
Caption 51, Janoschs Traumstunde: Ich mach‘ Dich gesund, sagte der Bär
Play Caption
Further Learning
In addition to watching videos about wild and domestic animals on Yabla German, look up the following common (and less common!) house pets in a dictionary: das Meerschweinchen, der Igel, die Wüsternmaus, die Schlange, and der Leguan.
Many parts of Europe, including Germany, are experiencing a heat wave of unprecedented scale this summer. The United Kingdom experienced temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) for the first time in recorded history! Let's talk today about the heat wave and other aspects of hot weather — hopefully with some nice, cool air conditioning running!
Die Folgen sind schon jetzt in allen Teilen der Welt sichtbar. Es gibt verheerende Waldbrände wie im Mittelmeerraum und im Westen der USA, Überschwemmungen wie in der Region Ahr und Erft im Juli 2021 und Hitzewellen wie in Sibirien.
The consequences are already visible in all parts of the world. There are devastating forest fires, such as in the Mediterranean region and in the western United States, floods, such as in the Ahr and Erft region in July 2021, and heat waves, such as in Siberia.
Captions 20-24, Klimaschutz: Es geht um das Überleben der Menschheit
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The noun for "heat wave" (or "heatwave" in British English) is die Hitzewelle. The caption above was referring to 2021, and though there aren't any comparable major floods in Germany so far in 2022, the wildfires in the western US and southern Europe are continuing this year.
Ja, was uns bleibt, ist auf jeden Fall das heiße Wetter.
Yes, what remains for us, is certainly the hot weather.
Caption 13, Umfragen: Nach der WM
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Unfortunately, for many of us in many parts of the world, this remains the case.
Du hast bestimmt noch nicht sehr viel Erfahrung mit Hitze.
You certainly don't have much experience with heat yet.
One problem with such hot weather (die Hitze) in Germany is that the infrastructure has not been designed to withstand these record high temperatures. Most homes and many shops, offices, and schools have no central air conditioning. It's hard enough sitting all day at work or in school when it's sunny outside, but imagine doing so drenched in sweat!
Man musste den Ventilator anstellen...
You had to turn on the fan...
Caption 30, Kinder lernen: wie aus Wind Strom gemacht wird
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Living on the upper floor of an apartment building (often in Europe with no elevator) is also excruciatingly hot. From personal experience, the only means of getting to sleep at night is often to turn on a fan (der Ventilator). Noisy, but less hot!
In Griechenland ist es im Sommer sehr heiß. Ich mag zwar Wärme, aber keine Hitze. Also dann... Schweden vielleicht?
In Greece, it is very hot in the summer. I like the warmth indeed, but not the heat. So then... Sweden perhaps?
Captions 37-39, Jenny: Reiseziele
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Warm weather, or "the warmth" (die Wärme), is indeed preferable to the heat. Jenny is right about Sweden, where I just spent a week in mid-July. It was pleasant mid-60s to mid-70s Fahrenheit temperatures, but I could have done without the constant rainstorms. Apparently, the high pressure from the Central and Southern European heat wave is causing more rain in Northern Europe. Depending on where you live, it seems there's either too much or too little summer this year!
Further Learning
Go to Yabla German and search for terms like "heat" and "weather" to find more videos relating to hot weather. If you're experiencing intense sunny weather where you live, be sure and read our previous German Lesson Safe Fun in the Sun.
If you subscribe to Yabla, technology and computers likely play a significant role in your life. To augment a previous lesson on verbs related to computers, today we'll cover nouns related to computers and internet technology.
First, let's look at the words for the various parts of a computer, such as the hard drive, the keyboard, and the screen. The noun der Rechner can mean both "the processor" and "the computer" depending on the context. Although many words have been adopted from English (such as der Computer or der Laptop), there's still a lot of vocabulary to learn:
Die Rechner könnten anschließend von Kriminellen zu einem Botnetz verbunden und ferngesteuert werden.
The processors could, consequently, be connected to a botnet by criminals and operated remotely.
Captions 28-29, Apple-Trojaner: Wie man ihn beseitigt
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Aber ist ja nicht schlimm, weil das Originalmaterial insgesamt gerettet wird, und das können die immer noch auf der Festplatte mal irgendwann ...
But that is not so bad, because the entire original material is saved and they can still, on the hard drive at some point...
Captions 30-31, RT Radiotonteam: Erinnerungen retten
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Wenn du auf deiner Tastatur keine Taste für die Umlaute hast, kannst du stattdessen notfalls auch Ae für Ä, Oe für Ö und Ue für Ü schreiben.
If you don't have an umlaut key on your keyboard, you can also, if need be, write Ae for Ä, Oe for Ö, and Ue for Ü.
Captions 20-21, Deutsch mit Donna Blitz: Das Alphabet
Play Caption
Sieht man das dann auf einem kleinen Bildschirm oder hat man einen Riesenbildschirm?
Do you see it on a small screen then or do you have a giant screen?
Caption 4, Rhein-Main-TV: Interview mit Edmund Stössel
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In diesem Grid können tausende Forschungsinstitute und Universitäten ihre Datenspeicher und Rechner gemeinsam nutzen.
In this grid thousands of research institutes and universities can use their data storage devices and computers jointly.
Captions 38-39, Die Weltmaschine: Der LHC-Teilchenbeschleuniger
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Ich geh nicht eher, bevor du mir die Speicherkarte gegeben hast.
I'm not leaving until you've given me the memory card.
Caption 45, Die Pfefferkörner: Alles auf Anfang
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Sie müssen die Möglichkeit haben zu posten, mit dem Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop, immer und überall.
They have to be able to post with a smartphone, tablet, laptop — anytime and anywhere.
Captions 13-15, Nicos Weg: Das Internet
Play Caption
Next, there is specific vocabulary related to the internet. Here, there is quite a lot of vocabulary adopted from English, so it's a matter of knowing the article and exactly how it's pronounced.
Wenn ich das melde, dann stellt der Erpresser den Film ins Netz.
If I report it, then the blackmailer will put the video on the internet.
Caption 15, Die Pfefferkörner: Cybermobbing
Play Caption
Sie will über das WLAN des ICEs im Internet surfen.
She wants to surf the internet via the ICE's WLAN.
Caption 66, Galileo - Zug vs. Flugzeug: Von München nach Berlin
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Wie die Internetseite National Geographic News berichtet, hat Cameron vor ein paar Tagen nahe Papua-Neuguinea eine Testfahrt unternommen.
As the internet site National Geographic News reports, Cameron performed a trial run a few days ago near Papua, New Guinea.
Captions 19-20, Expedition Marianengraben: Zum tiefsten Punkt der Erde
Play Caption
An welche E-Mail-Adresse soll ich Ihnen die Unterlagen schicken?
What email address should I send the documents to?
Caption 30, Berufsleben: das Vorstellungsgespräch
Play Caption
Further Learning
For help with pronunciation, go to Yabla German and listen to the examples. Also, can you guess the meaning of der Router, die Maus, and das Lokalnetz?
The title above is from a novel by one of the great American writers, Cormac McCarthy, and its German title is translated precisely as All die schönen Pferde. This isn't always the case with book and film titles in German. For instance, the Spaghetti Western classic Once Upon a Time in the West by Sergio Leone is titled Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod in German—"Play Me the Song of Death"—not a bad alternate title. But this lesson is about horses, not noir Westerns, so let's hop back in the saddle!
A number of German idioms use horses as their subjects:
Wohl aufs falsche Pferd gesetzt, hm?
Probably bet on the wrong horse, hm?
Caption 19, Marga Engel schlägt zurück: Der Engel von Leipzig
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The idiom above happens to have the same meaning as its English translation, which is not always the case.
Die Griechen hatten ein riesiges hölzernes Pferd auf Rädern gebaut, zwanzigmal größer als ein richtiges Pferd.
The Greeks had built a giant wooden horse on wheels, twenty times larger than a real horse.
Captions 42-43, Märchen - Sagenhaft: Das Trojanische Pferd
Play Caption
The idiomatic usage of "Trojan horse," which means to accept a gift (or story, etc.) that turns out to have negative effects, is used in both English and German. This is the opposite of the English idiom "don't look a gift horse in the mouth," which means you shouldn't be unappreciative or critical of a gift. If the Trojans had only looked that gift horse in the mouth, they might have won the war.
Solange wir keine Gewissheit haben, sollten wir die Pferde nicht scheu machen.
As long as we aren't certain, we shouldn't make the horses shy.
Caption 11, Großstadtrevier: Schatten der Vergangenheit
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This idiom sounds a bit odd in English, but die Pferde scheu machen means to cause unnecessary alarm. In this case, the police didn't want to tip off the suspects that they were on to their game.
Hans Schmidt ist das beste Pferd im Stall.
Hans Schmidt is the best horse in the stable.
There may be a horse somewhere named Hans Schmidt, but in the context of a person, the phrase das beste Pferd im Stall sein means that somebody is the best coworker or the best person in a group of people.
Wir kommen vom Pferd auf den Esel.
We’re coming from the horse onto the donkey.
The literal English translation of the German idiom above makes little sense, whereas a literary translation would be "We're falling on hard times" or "Things are going badly." But to conclude:
Ein Pferd bleibt immer Pferd.
A horse always remains a horse.
Caption 37, Monsters of Liedermaching: Ein Pferd
Play Caption
As we have seen in the idioms above, when using the word "horse" metaphorically, it can mean everything but a horse!
Further Learning
Go to Yabla German and search for "horse" or Pferd to see the different usages of the noun in context. You can also read about other idioms relating to das Pferd on the German language website Redensarten-Index. Meanwhile, we at Yabla wish you all a happy ride into the sunset...
La palabra "dativo" viene del participio perfecto pasivo del verbo latino "dar" (do, dare, dedi, datum). En una oración, se utiliza el caso dativo para representar el objeto indirecto. Un objeto indirecto es alguien o algo que hace algo por ellos o para ellos.
En español, organizamos las frases que necesitan un objeto indirecto mediante el uso de una preposición. Así, podemos decir “di un regalo A mi madre" (objeto indirecto), oración en la cual "a" cumple la función del dativo.
Sin embargo, en alemán, como se detalla en la próxima tabla, se usan en principio las declinaciones de artículos determinados e indeterminados para indicar el dativo:
A modo de premisa general, puede decirse que el acusativo es el objeto directo que se ve afectado directamente por la acción del verbo, mientras que el dativo es un objeto que se ve afectado indirecta o incidentalmente por el verbo.
a) Veamos algunos ejemplos de oraciones con verbos que usan el dativo:
Helfen (ayudar)
Helfen Sie ihr dabei, die Frau zu werden, die sie sein will.
Ayúdela a convertirse en la mujer que quiere ser.
Subtítulo 14, Oskar - Gehen, wenn es am schönsten ist Loslassen - Part 3
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Geben (dar)
Als nächstes gebe ich den Zucker zu den Eiern.
A continuación, echo el azúcar a los huevos.
Subtítulo 15, Apfelkuchen mit Eva
Play Caption
Bekommen (Recibir)
Mutti! -Du bekommst deine Schuhe, aber erst zum Abi.
¡Mama! -Recibes tus zapatos, pero para [pero no hasta] el bachillerato.
Subtítulo 43, Die Klasse Berlin '61 - Part 3
Play Caption
Danken (agradecer)
Und dein Körper wird's dir total danken,
Y tu cuerpo te lo agradecerá totalmente,
Subtítulo 73, Die Schmerzspezialisten Diese Schlafposition solltest du unbedingt vermeiden!
Play Caption
Fehlen (faltar)
Das deutsche Brot fehlt mir, ich vermisse das deutsche Brot.
El pan alemán me falta, echo de menos el pan alemán.
Subtítulo 28, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren Relativsätze mit Präpositionen - Part 4
Play Caption
b) Preposiciones que requieren dativo: Las preposiciones que toman el caso dativo suelen ser un poco más difíciles de asimilar, ya que hay que cambiar los artículos más que en el caso acusativo. Las siguientes preposiciones llaman siempre al dativo:
ab - "de" (tiempo)
aus - "de, fuera de"
außer - "excepto por"
Und niemand las es außer meiner Mutter. (Y nadie excepto mi madre)
bei - "en, con cerca de, en la casa de"
dank - "gracias a":
Für Ihre schnelle Bestätigung danken wir Ihnen vielmals.
(Muchas gracias por su rápida confirmación.)
entgegen - "contrario a"
gegenüber - "contrario a"
gemäß - "según"
laut - "según"
mit - "con"
Ich möchte mit dir gehen.
(quisiera ir contigo)
nach - "después, hacia"
seit - "desde, para"
von - "desde, de"
zu - "a"
zufolge - "según"
En lo que respecta a los pronombres en alemán y los casos, haremos lecciones por separado ya que es un tópico muy interesante y que vale la pena detallar bien.
Aprendizaje adicional
Te invitamos a revisar las lecciones anteriores sobre los casos del alemán. De manera automática empezará a usarlos y la mayor de las veces de manera combinada. ¡Revisa nuestros videos en Yabla alemán, tenemos una infinidad de recursos para que te sumerjas en un viaje de aprendizaje auf deutsch!
This week, we'll look at German verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that relate to taking care and being careful.
You may already know the word vorsichtig. As is normal for German adjectives, it is also an adverb, so it means both "careful" and "carefully."
Seid vorsichtig und macht bloß nichts kaputt.
Be careful and don't break anything.
Caption 47, Playmobil: Skispringen mit Familie Hauser
Play Caption
Fahr vorsichtig, ja?
Drive carefully, OK?
Caption 35, Die Pfefferkörner: Alles auf Anfang
Play Caption
Other words that can mean "careful" are sorgfältig, which implies a thoroughness or accuracy, and behutsam, which implies gentleness and caution.
Hast du die schon mal so sorgfältig bügeln sehen?
Have you ever seen them iron so carefully?
Caption 19, Playmobil: Skispringen mit Familie Hauser
Play Caption
Wir alle sollten unsere Kontakte auch weiter behutsam einschränken.
We should all continue to cautiously restrict our contact.
Caption 57, Wir müssen über Corona reden: Mit Olaf Scholz, Luisa & Dr. Daniel Zickler
Play Caption
Und ich nahm ihn ganz behutsam in die Hand
And I took it very gently in my hand
Caption 5, Nicole: Papillon
Play Caption
Then there is also the word schonend. This relates to the verb schonen, which has a number of possible translations, including "to treat with care," "to protect," "to preserve," and "to rest" or "to go easy on."
Und es wird schonend mit dem Boden umgegangen, damit er viele Jahre Gemüse bringen kann.
And the soil is treated carefully so that it can produce vegetables for many years.
Captions 27-28, Berlin: Domäne Dahlem
Play Caption
Um die Pferde zu schonen, werden die Vierbeiner übrigens selbst auch gedoubelt.
In order to treat the horses with care, by the way, these four-legged actors also have doubles.
Caption 21, Für Tierfreunde: Pferde beim Film
Play Caption
Na ja, Frankfurt ist ja eine Stadt, die sehr früh als Großstadt politische Entscheidungen getroffen hat, Umwelt zu schonen.
Well, yes, Frankfurt is a city that, very early on, as a major city, made political decisions to protect the environment.
Captions 50-51, Erstes Frankfurter „Schuljahr der Nachhaltigkeit“ Abschlussfeier
Play Caption
Other verbs that relate to being careful or watching out are aufpassen and achtgeben, which can both relate to watching out for your own wellbeing or that of others.
Da muss man aufpassen, wenn man die Straße überqueren will.
You have to be careful when you want to cross the street.
Caption 22, Shuah Auf der Straße in Berlin
Play Caption
Kannst du auf die anderen achtgeben?
Can you watch over the others?
Caption 12, Heidi Kann Heidi Peter retten?
Play Caption
Further Learning
You can look up more examples with the words vorsichtig, sorgfältig, and behutsam on Yabla German in order to better understand the slight differences in their meanings.
In Part I and Part II of this series, we went through a lot of odd German animal names, looking at how the names may—or may not—connect directly to descriptions of the animals. Today, let's conclude our exploration of the wild and woolly world of odd German animal names!
Entschuldige, dass ich dich „Seehund“ genannt habe.
Sorry that I called you "sea dog."
Caption 26, Peppa Wutz, Sport
Play Caption
The proper English name of the largest rodent in the world is "capybara," and it's formally das Capybara in German. The informal name of the capybara is "water hog," which is also the direct translation of the informal name in German: das Wasserschwein.
Wer ist das größte Wasserschwein auf dem Planeten?
Who is the biggest water hog on the planet?
Caption 98, heute-show Wasserknappheit: Verkauft eure Aktien und investiert in Wasser!
Play Caption
This is a slang usage of das Wasserschwein, and is not referring to the animal at all! Just as you might tell somebody who is drinking up all of the water to "stop hogging the water," this video is referring to a Swiss company that is exploiting a lot of American water resources as a "water hog."
Schweinswale sollen direkt vor dem Badestrand gesehen worden sein.
Porpoises were reported to have been seen near this swimming beach.
Caption 32, Abenteuer Nordsee: Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen
Play Caption
The German word for "porpoise" is der Schweinswal, which translates directly to "hog whale" or "pig whale." That doesn't seem to make much sense, but the fact that they have a flat snout, unlike dolphins with their pronounced beaks, may have led to a comparison with pigs in German. And dolphins are in fact classified as toothed whales, although their nearest relative, going back 40 million years, is the hippopotamus!
Some other German animal names with -schwein include:
—das Meerschweinchen (Guinea pig, literally "little sea pig")
—das Seeschwein (dugong, literally "sea hog" or "sea pig")
—das Stachelschwein (porcupine, literally "spike pig")
But the winner for the title of the oddest German animal name must be...
„Eichhörnchen jubilieren nicht“, stellte Frederick richtig, „sie knacken Nüsse, Tannenzapfen, Eicheln und so weiter.“
"Squirrels do not rejoice," rectified Frederick, "they crack nuts, pine cones, acorns and such."
Captions 14-15, Piggeldy und Frederick: Tiere im Winter
Play Caption
If you translate das Eichhörnchen literally from die Eiche and das Hörnchen, you wind up with either "little oak horn" or "oak croissant"! In fact, the origins of the word Eichhörnchen are uncertain, but the Eiche part probably goes back to an ancient Indo-Germanic word, aik or aig, that means "restless movement," which is certainly an apt description of the squirrel! German squirrels also have tufted ears that look a bit like little horns...
Further Learning
Go to Yabla German and watch the videos listed above to find out more about these animals in context.
The German adjective fertig is especially interesting because of its slang usages. In standard usage, fertig is usually translated as "finished," "ready," or "done":
Nun brauche ich meinen fertigen Teig nur noch in die Form füllen.
Now I just have to fill my finished batter into the mold.
Caption 27, Apfelkuchen: mit Eva
Play Caption
Die Apfelpfannkuchen sind nun fertig zum Servieren.
The apple pancakes are now ready to serve.
Caption 30, Apfelpfannkuchen: mit Alina und Sabine
Play Caption
So, mein Apfelkuchen ist jetzt fertig.
So, my apple cake is now done.
Caption 37, Apfelkuchen: mit Eva
Play Caption
But in its slang usages, fertig takes on different meanings. The phrase fix und fertig, for example, means to be worn out or exhausted:
Wir sind fix und fertig, hä?
We are worn out, huh?
Caption 4, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren: Der Relativsatz
Play Caption
Simply saying fertig in certain contexts also has the same meaning:
Also, ich bin so was von fertig.
Well, I am so completely exhausted.
Caption 67, Großstadtrevier: Von Monstern und Mördern
Play Caption
The phrase fertig machen, which until the German language reform of 1996 was the freestanding verb fertigmachen, means “to get ready” or "to prepare" in its standard usage:
Ich muss noch duschen und mich fertig machen.
I still have to take a shower and get ready.
But in its slang usage, fertig machen has a range of meanings, from exhausting oneself all the way to the threat of physical violence:
Das macht mich fertig.
It's getting me down.
Caption 14, Deutsche Welle: Leben zwischen zwei Kulturen in Namibia
Play Caption
Wenn er mit dem Zeug abhauen will, dann mache ich ihn fertig!
If he tries to make off with the stuff, I'll finish him off!
Caption 28, Die Pfefferkörner: Endspurt
Play Caption
Further Learning
The adjective fertig is also a root word in a number of adjectives and adverbs that have very different meanings. Do you know the difference between leichtfertig and schlagfertig, for instance? If you are ready to go deeper into the topic, take a look at this extensive list of German words containing fertig—but be aware that there are a lot of them. Mach dich doch nicht fertig dabei!
This week, we'll look at German nouns related to meetings, appointments, and gatherings, and their particular nuances.
Ja, entschuldige noch mal, dass es gestern mit dem Treffen nicht geklappt hat.
Yes, sorry again that it didn't work out with the meeting yesterday.
Caption 14, Das Lügenbüro: Die Bewerbung
Play Caption
The noun das Treffen may be the most commonly used word for a meeting or a gathering. However, there are circumstances in which die Besprechung (which can also mean "the talk" or "the discussion") or die Sitzung (which is more like "the session") might be more accurate. The noun die Versammlung generally refers to a larger assembly or gathering.
Mein Mann ist noch in einer Besprechung. -Ah ja.
My husband is still in a meeting. -Ah, yes.
Caption 8, Mein Weg nach Deutschland: Auf Wohnungssuche
Play Caption
Die Sitzung ist hiermit geschlossen.
The session is now closed.
Caption 72, Yabla Gerichtshof: Das verzogene Hündchen
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Diese Versammlung der Kardinäle beginnt normalerweise fünfzehn bis zwanzig Tage nach dem Tod
This assembly of cardinals normally begins fifteen to twenty days after the death,
Captions 6-7, Papst Benedikt Suche nach einem neuen Kirchoberhaupt
Play Caption
The noun der Termin generally is translated as "the appointment," but can also refer to a deadline (der Abgabetermin). It generally emphasizes a specific date and time. When it comes to a doctor's appointment (also der Arzttermin), you always use der Termin, and not das Treffen.
Und dann könnten wir gleich einen Termin für ein Vorstellungsgespräch machen.
And then we can make an appointment for an interview right away.
Caption 28, Berufsleben: das Vorstellungsgespräch
Play Caption
Nina hat morgen um acht einen Termin beim Arzt.
Nina has a doctor's appointment tomorrow at eight.
Caption 15, Nicos Weg: Emmas Tag
Play Caption
The noun die Verabredung is a bit tricky in German, and doesn't have a precise translation in English — you might find it translated as "date," "appointment," "engagement," or "agreement." It is essentially an agreed-upon meeting between individuals (often just two people), and it can even be a date, but not necessarily.
Es kann zum Beispiel bedeuten, dass jemand eine Verabredung nicht eingehalten hat.
It can mean, for example, that someone has not kept an appointment.
Caption 47, Eva erklärt: Sprichwörter
Play Caption
It is perhaps because of this ambiguity that some Germans will even use the English word and say das Date to specify that there's romance involved. As you can see, it is capitalized in German.
Wir warten. Du hast noch ein Date.
We'll wait. You still have a date.
Caption 56, Die Pfefferkörner: Endspurt
Play Caption
Further Learning
You can find all of these words in many examples on Yabla German, which will help you get a sense of which contexts they are each used in. For der Termin and das Treffen, make sure that you memorize the gender of each word!
This week, we'll augment our series of lessons about animal names with some basic vocabulary related to plants. Yabla has many videos about the natural world, so it's not so hard to get a good overview. It is also most fitting to the season, with everything currently in full bloom in Germany.
Diese setzt sich aus Gras, Früchten, Wurzeln, Zweigen und Rinde zusammen.
This consists of grass, fruits, roots, branches, and bark.
Caption 30, Evolution: An Land
Play Caption
Der perfekt getarnte Hühnervogel ernährt sich von Knospen, Samen, Beeren und Wurzeln.
The perfectly camouflaged landfowl feeds on buds, seeds, berries, and roots.
Captions 13-14, Die letzten Paradiese Schätze der Natur: Südtirol
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„Es heißt“, sagte Piggeldy, „Blume, Kopf und Stängel“.
"They are called," said Piggeldy, "flower, head, and stem."
Caption 12, Piggeldy und Frederick: Blume
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Like in English, some vocabulary is more specific to trees:
Jetzt bin ich hinter dem Baumstamm.
Now I'm behind the tree trunk.
Caption 12, Diane erklärt: Präpositionen
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Doch der Mäusebussard auf dem Ast hat die scheue Katze nur aufgeschreckt.
But the common buzzard on the branch just startled the shy cat.
Caption 22, Alpenseen: Kühle Schönheiten
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A leaf, whether it's the leaf of a tree, a plant, or even a leaf of paper, is das Blatt in German. The plural is die Blätter.
Im Oktober fallen die ersten Blätter und der Herbst beginnt.
In October, the first leaves fall and autumn begins.
Caption 30, Deutsch mit Eylin: Wochentage, Monate und Jahreszeiten
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Dazu zupfe ich von meinem Basilikumtopf ein paar Blätter ab
For this, I pluck off a few leaves from my basil pot
Caption 30, Cannelloni: mit Jenny
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Es macht halt Spaß, und halt nicht vor ein einem Blatt Papier zu stehen, und jede Aufgabe zehn mal abzuschreiben.
It's just fun, and just to not be standing in front of a sheet of paper and copying each task ten times.
Captions 92-93, Nena: Das 1x1 mit den Hits von NENA
Play Caption
Further Learning
If you have plants in your home or nearby, see if you can describe them with the vocabulary above from Yabla German. You can also read our lesson on gardening vocabulary.
Una ventaja para quien aprende alemán y es hablante nativo de alguna lengua romance, e incluso del inglés, es la presencia de un elevado número de sustantivos y verbos alemanes que son idénticos, en forma y en significado, en otros idiomas.
Por ejemplo, en el vocabulario alemán hay más de 1000 palabras de origen latino que terminan en "-ieren”, verbos en su mayoría. La traducción suele ser fácil y raramente es necesario el diccionario. No obstante, siempre es importante destacar que aun cuando podamos decir muchas cosas usando estos verbos de origen latino, muchas veces, es el vocabulario alemán propiamente, el que prevalece en la conversación cotidiana.
Veamos algunos ejemplos de estos verbos:
Könnten Sie bitte draußen telefonieren? Danke schön.
¿Podría hablar por teléfono fuera, por favor? Muchas gracias.
Subtítulo 50, Mein Weg nach Deutschland Beim Arzt - Part 1
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Wir produzieren immer mehr Kohlestrom
Producimos cada vez más electricidad de carbón
Subtítulo 14, heute-show Das kann die Welt beim Klimaschutz von Deutschland lernen
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Ich würde gerne aus privaten Gründen meine Stunden reduzieren
Me gustaría reducir mis horas por razones privadas
Subtítulo 10, Berufsleben Probleme mit Mitarbeitern - Part 4
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Störche existieren seit etwa dreißig Millionen Jahren
Las cigüeñas existen desde unos treinta millones de años
Subtítulo 30, Evolution An Land - Part 1
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Aprendizaje adicional
Es una actividad muy divertida comenzar a identificar todos los verbos de origen latino que se usan en alemán diariamente. Te invitamos a chequear nuestra biblioteca de Yabla alemán y prestar atención a cuál de ellos puedes reconocer sólo al escucharlos. ¡Te sorprenderás!
In Part I of this series, we went through a lot of animals whose names end with -tier. In Part II, we'll continue to look at the root words of German animal names and see how they may—or may not—relate directly to descriptions of the animals. So let's further explore the wild and woolly world of odd German animal names!
Die Schildkröte steckt noch vollständig im Ölschiefer fest.
The turtle is still entirely stuck in the oil shale.
Caption 51, Ausgrabungen: Auf den Spuren der Dinosaurier
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Die Schildkröte combines the noun der Schild with the noun die Kröte, and literally means "shield toad." Imagine seeing a turtle for the first time: Its shell looks like a shield, and its face, with a bit of imagination, might resemble a toad—albeit a very large one!
Normalerweise gelten Waschbären als aggressive Wildtiere.
Normally, raccoons are considered aggressive wild animals.
Caption 2, Die Top Ten: Die unglaublichsten Tiererlebnisse
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You probably noticed already that der Waschbär, the German word for "raccoon," breaks down into "wash bear." That seems a pretty far-fetched description of the animal, which is known for washing food, but does not look much like a bear. In fact, it's possible that the raccoon shares ancestors with those of today's bears, although this is just one theory of several. An 18th century Swedish botanist was the first to make this connection, and since then a number of European languages contain the word "bear" as part of the raccoon's name. The French, however, were less kind—and less accurate—in naming the raccoon le raton laveur ("the washing rat")!
Wenn Fledermäuse so schlafen, dann bin ich froh, dass ich keine bin.
If bats sleep like this, then I am glad that I am not one.
Caption 41, Meine Freundin Conni: Conni schläft im Kindergarten
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Die Fledermaus seems to consist of the noun fledern ("to hurl something vigorously") and the noun die Maus. Thus you have a sort of "throw mouse" or "hurl mouse." But that's not where the word came from! Rather, it comes from the Old High German term Flattermaus, which is derived from the verb flattern, or "to flutter." Thus our root words search reveals the bat to be a "flutter mouse."
Etwa 20.000 Seehunde haben das Wattenmeer zu ihrer Heimat gemacht.
About 20,000 seals have made the Wadden Sea their home.
Caption 11, Abenteuer Nordsee: Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen
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Der Seehund, clearly a "sea dog" by its root words, is of course a seal. Funny that in English, "sea dog" is an old slang term for a sailor! The more proper German name for the seal is die Robbe.
Selbst ausgewachsen werden diese Tintenfische gerade mal 20 Zentimeter groß.
Even fully grown, these squid will only become 20 centimeters long.
Caption 28, Abenteuer Nordsee: Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen
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From the German word for "squid" we can derive, from die Tinte and der Fisch, an "ink fish." The term is slightly confusing, since many varieties of octopus also, like squid, are able to release a dark "ink" to help escape from potential predators. Octopus, in German, is der Oktopus, although the more scientific name is der Krake.
Further Learning
In an upcoming lesson, we'll discuss a number of animals whose names derive from das Schwein, but who are not actually related to the pig family. In the meantime, you can go to Yabla German and watch the videos listed above to find out more about these animals in context.
This week, we'll conclude our lessons on travel vocabulary. So, you've decided what kind of trip and mode of travel, and you've booked your accommodation. Now it's time to consider your itinerary and activities. The types of activities you plan on your trip will also depend on your destination, of course. Cities may offer the opportunity to visit museums or famous historical sites, go to markets, or go shopping:
...aber die kleine Stadttour würde ich gerne machen.
...but I would gladly do the small city tour.
Caption 47, Rollendes Vergnügen: Segway-Touren
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Jedes Jahr kommen an die 5.000 Besucher ins Museum.
Every year nearly 5000 visitors come to the museum.
Caption 25, Flipperautomaten: Kunstwerke für flinke Kugeln
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Das ist eine Sehenswürdigkeit in Köln: der Kölner Dom.
This is an attraction in Cologne: The Cologne Cathedral.
Caption 8, Nicos Weg: Ich war schon in Berlin
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Hier findet der Markt nämlich täglich statt.
Because here, the market takes place every day.
Caption 16, Reisen: Ein Tag in Freiburg
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Sie hat Bock auf Shopping, also in die Stadt.
She feels like shopping, so it's off to the city.
Caption 23, Cro: Bye Bye
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Being in nature, whether on the coast or in the mountains, offers its own program of sports or relaxation. In a recent newsletter, we already had the noun das Sonnenbad, but some people like to be a bit more active.
Dieses Naturreservoir ist zu Fuß in nur gut zwei Stunden zu erreichen.
This nature reserve can be reached by foot in just over two hours.
Caption 6, Die letzten Paradiese Die Schönheit der Alpen
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Ich soll wandern gehen, ich soll segeln oder surfen.
I should go hiking, I should go sailing or surfing.
Caption 15, Nicos Weg: Freizeitstress
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Aber es ist perfekt, um ans Meer zu fahren und baden zu gehen.
But it's perfect for going to the sea and going for a swim.
Caption 39, Deutsch mit Eylin: Das Wetter
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Beach-Volleyball hört sich an wie ein Freizeitvergnügen, ist aber seit 1996 olympisch und ein knallharter Profisport.
Beach volleyball sounds like an enjoyable free-time activity, however, since 1996, it's an Olympic and a tough professional sport.
Captions 3-4, Olympische Spiele: Beachvolleyball
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So many options! Now all that's left is to pack. If you're flying, you will need to check whether it's possible to check a bag, or whether you'll have to make do with Handgepäck. The noun das Gepäck is a general word for luggage or baggage, or you can say der Koffer to refer to a suitcase.
Wir packen jetzt unseren Koffer.
Now we'll pack our suitcase.
Caption 9, Deutschkurs in Tübingen: Reisevorbereitung
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And if you're flying, there's one more thing you'll need to do...
Um später Zeit zu sparen, checkt Olcay online ein.
To save time later, Olcay checks in online.
Caption 67, Galileo Zug vs. Flugzeug: Von München nach Berlin
Play Caption
Gute Reise!
Further Learning
Check out our travel videos on Yabla German. Do you have an upcoming trip or vacation? Consult all three lessons, and write down five sentences about how you will get to your destination, where you will stay, and what activities you would like to do.
Once you've been speaking a foreign language long enough, you tend to associate the name of something with whatever that name represents, and no longer notice how really strange that name might be. As we know, German tends to string words together to make new words, and many animal names are constructed this way. If we look at the root words of many of these animal names, however, they look pretty odd!
Er spricht das Faultier Sid.
He speaks (the voice-overs for) the sloth Sid.
Caption 6, Rheinmain Szene: Hochheimer Weinfest
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If you combine the adjective faul with das Tier, you have a "lazy animal." That's a pretty logical name for the sloth, which is known for its very slow movements.
Ein fremdes Murmeltier ist ins Revier eingedrungen und wird verjagt.
A strange marmot has intruded into the territory and is chased away.
Caption 36, Alpenseen: Kühle Schönheiten
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In this case, however, it makes less sense. The verb murmeln means "to mumble," thus leaving us with "the mumbling animal." Marmots are not, however, known for mumbling, nor for speaking clearly, either. The name derives from an Old High German word murmunto, which itself is derived from the Latin word for "mountain mouse." That's one big mouse!
Da haben wir aber wirklich Glück gehabt mit der Köchin. Trampeltier. Aber eine gute Köchin.
We were really lucky with the cook. Clumsy oaf. But a good cook.
Captions 36-38, Marga Engel schlägt zurück: Arbeiten für den Feind
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In this case, we are dealing with the slang usage of animal names. Thus the word that is used for a Bactrian (two-humped) camel in formal German is used here to impolitely mean somebody who is clumsy. If you break the word down, the verb trampeln and the noun das Tier are put together to make "trampling animal." But the name actually derives from the dromedary, the one-humped camel, which in Middle High German is tromedar. Say it for a few centuries and eventually it will sound like Trampeltier. Language evolution is grand, isn't it?
Further Learning
Let's conclude the lesson today with the rest of the odd animal names that end with -tier: das Stinktier, das Gürteltier, das Schnabeltier, and das Maultier. Maybe you already know these German animal names, but if you don't, try translating the first half of each word and combining them. Then try and guess what animal is meant! You can also go to Yabla German and watch the videos listed above to find out more about these animals in context.
This week, we'll continue our work on travel vocabulary. The last lesson looked at words related to booking and traveling to a destination, so let's pick up there, and continue with types of accommodation.
When you book a trip, there's the question of both die Hinreise (the outward journey) and die Rückreise (the return journey). Depending on your mode of travel, you may instead talk about die Hinfahrt and die Rückfahrt for bus or train travel, or der Hinflug and der Rückflug for a flight. You can also say die einfache Fahrt for a single ticket, and der Gabelflug for a trip with multiple stops. Most of the time, however, you will be booking a round trip ticket:
Hin- und Rückfahrt kosten fünfzig Euro, und du musst nicht umsteigen.
A round trip costs fifty euros, and you don't have to change trains.
Caption 22, Nicos Weg: Bahnreisen
Play Caption
Part of planning your trip is selecting accommodation (die Unterkunft), which is generally based on your chosen destination and budget:
Mit Hotel, Jugendherberge und Kapelle ist das achthundert Jahre alte Hospiz heute das Tor ins Innergschlöß.
With a hotel, youth hostel, and chapel, the eight-hundred-year-old former hospice is today the gateway to Innergschlöß.
Captions 26-27, Die letzten Paradiese: Die Schönheit der Alpen 2
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...und vor allen Dingen mit dem Komfort einer Ferienwohnung.
...and, above all else, with the comfort of a vacation home.
Caption 11, Glamping: Camping mit Stil
Play Caption
Hierzulande hat zwar noch nicht jeder Campingplatz den Glamping-Faktor, aber schon im kommenden Jahr soll es in Deutschland soweit sein.
Here in Germany, admittedly, not every campground has this "glamping" factor, but it should already be available in Germany in the coming year.
Captions 34-35, Glamping: Camping mit Stil
Play Caption
You will have to choose whether you require ein Einzelzimmer, ein Doppelzimmer, or ein Mehrbettzimmer, which is more often found at youth hostels and may involve bunk beds. At some types of accommodation, you can choose between die Halbpension, which includes breakfast and dinner, and die Vollpension, which includes all meals. More common, however, is a simple Übernachtung mit Frühstück.
Für ein Einzelzimmer zahlt man siebzig Euro die Nacht.
For a single room you pay seventy euros a night.
Caption 32, Berlin: Indoor-Camping im „Hüttenpalast“
Play Caption
Inklusive Halbpension, die Ihre Frau selber kocht.
Including half board, which your wife cooks herself.
Caption 54, heute-show Schule, Geschäfte, Urlaub: Leben in Zeiten von Corona
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In Germany, you may also find consider die Pension or das Gästehaus, which are generally smaller and less formal than a hotel. Of course, there is at least one mode of travel that eliminates the question of where to stay:
Mit dem Wohnmobil durch Luxemburg zu fahren bedeutet inzwischen, sich entscheiden zu müssen.
Driving through Luxembourg in a motorhome means having to make decisions these days.
Captions 31-32, Reisebericht: Luxemburg
Play Caption
Further Learning
In addition to watching travel videos on Yabla German, go to a German booking website and do a casual search for flights and hotels in order to see the vocabulary above used in context. For an even more advanced exercise, have a look at this article on unusual places to stay in Germany.
Maybe you live in the Southern Hemisphere, where it's currently winter, but in Northern Germany spring has arrived. We're finally starting to get more sunshine! Der Sonnenschein is a noun you probably know already, along with some other standards like die Sonnenbrille ("sunglasses," singular in German, by the way!) and die Sonnenblume ("sunflower"). Let's take a look today at some less familiar compound nouns that use Sonnen- as the root word.
The sun comes up with der Sonnenaufgang:
Wir sind nie vor Sonnenaufgang nach Hause gegangen.
We never went home before sunrise.
Caption 9, Nicos Weg: So feiern wir!
Play Caption
Hopefully it will be another sunny day (der Sonnentag)! Not be confused with the day of the week (Sonntag), as there are plenty of those with bad weather!
Steh gerade, kerzengerade, lache in den Sonnentag.
Stand up straight, straight as a candle, laughing on the sunny day.
Caption 19, DDR-Fernsehen: Die letzten Sendeminuten des DFF
Play Caption
But with sunny days comes the danger of sunburn and long-term cancer risks from the rays of the sun: (der Sonnenstrahl, plural die Sonnenstrahlen):
...als die ersten Sonnenstrahlen durch die Wolken blitzten. the first rays of sunshine flashed through the clouds.
Caption 48, Märchen,Sagenhaft: Der standhafte Zinnsoldat
Play Caption
It's best to protect your skin with die Sonnencreme and der Sonnenschutz and keep under der Sonnenschirm in order to avoid die Sonnenstrahlung:
Aber bitte... benutzen Sie Sonnencreme.
But please... use sun screen.
Caption 52, Unser Universum: Die Sonne
Play Caption
Auf ausreichenden Sonnenschutz achten, denn durch das Wasser ist die Sonneneinstrahlung nochmal stärker als an Land.
Make sure to wear sufficient sun protection, because the water makes the solar radiation even stronger than it is on land.
Captions 78-79, Stand Up Paddling: 5 typische Anfängerfehler
Hier habe ich einen Sonnenschirm
Here I have a parasol.
Caption 21, Deutschkurs in Tübingen Präpositionen und Artikel
Play Caption
And then you can go sunbathing—usually expressed in German as ein Sonnenbad nehmen, but here they are "enjoying" sunbathing:
Eine Kolonie kalifornischer Seelöwen hat sich auf ihrem Felsen versammelt, um ein entspanntes Sonnenbad zu genießen.
A colony of California sea lions has gathered on their rock to enjoy a relaxing sunbath.
Captions 18-19, Evolution: Die Küsten
Play Caption
And at long last, after a nice day enjoying the sunshine, comes der Sonnenuntergang:
Bei mir muss der Held am Schluss in den Sonnenuntergang reiten.
For me, the hero has to ride off into the sunset at the end.
Caption 57, Rheinmain Szene Unheilig: „Der Graf“
Play Caption
Further Learning
Go to Yabla German and search for other words using Sonnen- as the root word. You can also go to the DWDS Dictionary and find a long list of words starting with Sonnen-. See if you can guess their meanings before you look them up!
Diferenciar el acusativo del dativo es una de las destrezas fundamentales y necesarias de quien habla el idioma alemán. En el español el acusativo es el denominado objeto directo de la oración.
En la siguiente tabla, encontramos las terminaciones del caso acusativo para artículos determinados e indeterminados:
Destaca en la anterior tabla la presencia del artículo neutro (das/ein), que no existe en el español, así como la ausencia de la forma plural unos/unas que suele sustituirse con otras formas como meine, diese (míos/as, esos/as), etc.
El método más usado para identificar el acusativo del dativo en una oración es preguntar al verbo de la oración "¿Qué?" o "¿Quién?". Del mismo modo es conveniente conocer algunos verbos y las preposiciones que usan el caso acusativo. Veamos:
a) Verbos que llaman al caso acusativo: el acusativo es el objeto directo que recibe el impacto directo de la acción del verbo. El acusativo se utiliza sólo con los verbos transitivos, que son, por definición, capaces de recibir objetos directos. Por tanto, la mayoría de los verbos, incluso los de uso común, son verbos que requieren acusativo.
Ich habe einen Hund.
Tengo un perro.
Caption 46, Deutsch mit Eylin Verneinungen
Play Caption
Die Zwiebeln werden wir jetzt in den Teig geben.
Ahora agregaremos las cebollas a la masa.
Subtítulo 46, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte Rheinland-Pfalz - Part 2
Play Caption
Ich denke, wir werden eine gute Lösung finden.
Creo que encontraremos una buena solución.
Subtítulo 38, Berufsleben Probleme mit Mitarbeitern - Part 4
Play Caption
b) Preposiciones que requieren acusativo: para cada preposición, es mejor aprender qué caso requiere. Muchas preposiciones usan varios casos. Las preposiciones de acusativo en alemán están asociadas con movimiento. Las mismas son: durch, für, gegen, ohne, um (puedes recordarlas con la palabra inventada dogfu), así como bis y entlang que suelen ir detrás del artículo. Cada vez que estás preposiciones aparecen debe usarse el caso acusativo.
Nur für den Moment, nicht für ein ganzes Leben lang
Sólo para el momento, no para toda una vida entera
Subtítulo 23, Beatrice Egli Mein Herz
Play Caption
Sie bringen uns sicher durch die Nacht
Ellas nos dan segura compañía a través de la noche
Subtítulo 17, Christina Stürmer Millionen Lichter
Play Caption
Queda aún por explicar en otra lección lo que sucede con otros tipos de pronombres y adjetivos en el caso acusativo. Podemos decir que acusativo y dativo son hermanos gemelos. Por lo tanto, te sugerimos leer cuanto antes la lección referida al otro miembro de la familia, el dativo.
Aprendizaje adicional.
Cuando aprendes alemán, muchas veces no hay más remedio que memorizar. Es lo que sucede con los verbos y los casos acusativo, dativo y genitivo. Un ejercicio rutinario simple pero muy efectivo es identificar en algunas oraciones qué caso corresponde a determinado verbo y precisar cómo éste modifica a los artículos, a los adjetivos y a los pronombres. Busca en la biblioteca de Yabla alemán, hay un sinfín de videos y ejercicios disponibles.
While many people in Germany have just come back from their Osterferien, people in the United States and elsewhere may already be thinking about trips they might take during summer vacation (der Sommerurlaub or die Sommerferien). This month, we'll devote a few lessons to looking at essential travel vocabulary in German.
You may remember how much trouble Jenny had deciding what kind of vacation to take. In German, a trip to a city is called die Städtereise, but many people like to keep things a bit more low key:
Ah, klar, ich könnte eine Kreuzfahrt mit dem Schiff machen.
Ah, right, I could take a cruise with a ship.
Caption 32, Jenny: Reiseziele
Play Caption
Strandurlaub bei Windstärke sechs...
Beach vacation with a wind velocity of six...
Caption 42, Traumberuf: Windsurfer
Play Caption
Once decided, you'll have to plan your trip and make the necessary reservations:
Ich möchte gerne eine Reise zum Europapark buchen.
I would like to book a trip to Europapark.
Caption 4, Reiseplanung: Anruf bei einem Reisebüro
Play Caption
In der Hauptsaison empfiehlt es sich zu reservieren.
In high season, it is recommended to make a reservation.
Caption 37, Reisebericht Luxemburg
Play Caption
Part of the planning is figuring out how you are going to get to your destination.
Stattdessen mit Bus und Bahn zum Reiseziel fahren.
Instead, travel by bus and train to your destination.
Caption 44, WissensWerte: Tourismus und Nachhaltigkeit
Play Caption
Also mit dem Auto würde ich heute nicht fahren.
So, I wouldn't go by car today.
Caption 45, Deutsch mit Eylin Das Wetter
Play Caption
Von dort können Sie ein Auto mieten oder mit dem Bus fahren.
From there you can rent a car or travel by bus.
Caption 13, Reiseplanung: Anruf bei einem Reisebüro
Play Caption
Damit höre ich manchmal Musik, wenn ich im Zug oder im Flugzeug sitze.
Sometimes I listen to music with them when I'm on the train or on a plane.
Captions 23-24, Deutsch mit Eylin: Denk schnell!
Play Caption
Auf dem Schiff haben fünfhundertsechzehn Gäste Platz, richtig viel Platz.
There is room on the ship for five hundred and sixteen guests, really a lot of space.
Caption 10, Kreuzfahrtschiff: An Bord der Europa 2
Play Caption
Hallo, liebe Yabla-Schüler, ich stehe heute hier auf einer Fähre.
Hello dear Yabla students, I am standing here today on a ferry.
Caption 1, Unterwegs mit Cettina: an der Rheinfähre
Play Caption
Further Learning
More travel vocabulary is coming! In the meantime, we have so many fun travel videos on Yabla German. Just do a quick search and you'll quickly find yourself in Heidelberg, Innsbruck, or the Alps! You may want to also check out this video on tourism and sustainability.