Und Piggeldy fühlte, wie er immer kleiner und kleiner wurde und Frederick immer größer.
And Piggeldy felt that he was becoming smaller and smaller and Frederick bigger and bigger.
Captions 28-29, Piggeldy und Frederick: Sprichwörter
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When we talk about the size, number, or extent of something changing, there are a number of verbs we can use in order to not always just say kleiner werden or größer werden. The German verbs we pick often depend on whether the verb is transitive or intransitive. An intransitive verb doesn't require an object; something is simply happening almost as if on its own. The verbs above, and the verbs in the next examples are intransitive, and you can note that no cause is mentioned that is making the growth happen.
Der Bedarf an Flugreisen wird mit der Zeit immer größer, und die Anzahl der Flugzeuge wird stark zunehmen.
The need for air travel will increase over time, and the number of planes will rise sharply.
Captions 34-35, Die Welt in der Zukunft: Flugzeuge im Jahr 2050
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Der Anteil der Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund in dieser Gruppe wird ansteigen.
the percentage of children with migration backgrounds in this group will rise.
Caption 9, Angela Merkel: beim Nachhaltigkeitsrat
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If you want to describe humans, animals, or objects that are growing in size, wachsen is quite often the appropriate verb to use. It should be noted that the verb for plants growing is wachsen, but this is only intransitive. If you are growing flowers or vegetables, your activity "to grow something" is etwas anbauen or etwas züchten.
„Du malst die blauen Blumen, die im grünen Wald wachsen“, sagte Frederick.
“You paint the blue flowers that grow in the green forest," Frederick said.
Caption 17, Piggeldy und Frederick: Malen
Play Caption
Now let's look at some examples with transitive verbs, in which something is being done by someone. In these sentences, that which is increasing or rising is an object:
Dies hat uns dazu genötigt, unsere Preise stark anzuheben.
This has made it necessary for us to increase our prices significantly.
Caption 20, Berufsleben: Probleme mit Mitarbeitern
Play Caption
Ziel der Aktion: die Attraktivität der Innenstadt erhöhen.
The aim of the campaign: to increase the attractiveness of the city center
Caption 9, Rheinmain im Blick Stadtmomente: Wiesbaden
Play Caption
Um die Attraktivität der Elektrofahrzeuge zu steigern, wird es ab Mitte zweitausendfünfzehn zwei Dinge geben.
In order to increase the attractiveness of electric vehicles, there will, starting in the middle of two thousand fifteen, be two things.
Captions 5-6, Rhein-Main-TV: Veränderungen für das Autofahrerjahr 2015
Play Caption
Further Learning
We'll be back soon with a lesson on verbs that describe decreasing, shrinking, and falling. In the meantime, try to make your own sentences with the verbs above or do a search on Yabla.
Today we're going to take a look at some standard expressions and idioms relating to the noun der Fuß ("the foot").
Ich gehe lieber zu Fuß, statt mit dem Fahrrad zu fahren.
I prefer to walk instead of riding my bike.
Caption 32, Deutsch mit Eylin: Das Wetter
Play Caption
Dieses Naturreservoir ist zu Fuß in nur gut zwei Stunden zu erreichen.
This nature reserve can be reached by foot in just over two hours
Caption 6, Die letzten Paradiese: Die Schönheit der Alpen 1
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The phrase zu Fuß gehen means "to walk," but the more literal translation "to go by foot" also works interchangeably. I've occasionally hear German friends jokingly use the Latin term per pedes to mean zu Fuß, and the phrase is common enough that it appears in the Duden dictionary!
Es schüttet wie aus Eimern Klitschnass von Kopf bis Fuß.
It's raining buckets Drenched from head to toe.
Captions 16-17, Die Toten Hosen: Unter den Wolken
Play Caption
The phrase von Kopf bis Fuß translates best to the English idiom "from head to toe." Normally one says the verb regnen for "to rain," but in the above caption, the slang usage of the verb schütten is used, which means "to pour." Incidentally, both klitschnass and pitschnass are slang words for "very wet."
Diese Pyramide ist zweihundertfünfzig Fuß hoch.
This pyramid is two hundred and fifty feet high.
Caption 18, Es war einmal: Entdecker und Erfinder Archimedes
Play Caption
The noun der Fuß is also used for the English measurement "foot." Note that unlike the plural of the anatomical foot (die Füße), when used to mean measurement, die Fuß is the proper plural of the noun.
Auch das ist ein Vorurteil ohne Hand und Fuß.
Even this is a prejudice without rhyme or reason.
Caption 41, Flüchtlingskrise: 10 Vorurteile, die nicht stimmen
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Of course, the literal translation of the idiom ohne Hand und Fuß is "without head and foot," but it means "makes no sense" and translates best to the above English idiom.
... dass meine Kernaufgabe nicht die ist, im Fernsehen irgendwie Fuß zu fassen.
... that it is not my main task to somehow gain a foothold in television.
Caption 5, Peyman Amin: Der Modelmacher
Play Caption
The phrase Fuß zu fassen is a practical one to learn. It can also be alternately translated into English as "to find a foothold" or "to establish a foothold."
Further Learning
I think it's fair to say that we've established a foothold in our understanding of some uses of the noun der Fuß! Read some of our other lessons relating to feet: Get off on the right foot and Von Kopf bis Fuß Part I and Part II. You can also search for other examples of der Fuß on Yabla German.
When it comes to learning the basic shapes in German, Eva's got you covered with a video about exactly that:
Als Erstes haben wir hier einen Kreis.
First, we have a circle here.
Caption 13, Eva zeigt uns: Formen
Play Caption
However, we often talk about shapes with a bit more nuance. For example, we might talk about spots and dots, or ovals rather than circles:
Alle Möbel mit roten Punkten gehören deiner Mama und die mit grünen gehören mir.
All of the pieces of furniture with red dots belong to your mother and those with green belong to me.
Caption 21, Mama arbeitet wieder Kapitel 4: Die Trennung
Play Caption
Die Trainerschüler müssen die Hühner zum Beispiel dazu bringen, im Oval um zwei Kegel zu laufen.
The training students, for example, must get [their] chickens to walk around two cones in an oval.
Captions 24-25, Tierakademie Scheuerhof: Tiertrainer im Hühner-Seminar
Play Caption
When we look at three-dimensional forms, there's a whole other set of vocabulary to learn. The word for a cube is actually der Kubus, but people describing objects will often use der Würfel, which is also the word you use for dice.
Eine Masse von eineinhalb Sonnen, gepresst in eine Kugel mit gerade mal zehn Meilen Durchmesser.
A mass of one and a half suns pressed into a sphere with only a ten-mile diameter.
Captions 20-21, Unser Universum Sternengeburt: Das Leben nach dem stellaren Tod
Play Caption
Wir haben hier fünfhundert Gramm Mehl, einen ganzen Würfel Hefe.
We have here five hundred grams of flour here, a whole cube of yeast.
Captions 8-9, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte: Bayern
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Even though most patterns are repetitions of certain shapes, most of the words don't relate to the original forms. This makes sense, because even if a stripe is technically a long, thin rectangle, we don't perceive it as such.
Oh, das Muster und... und diese Farben! Es ist wirklich überwältigend, wirklich!
Oh, the pattern and... and these colors! It is really overwhelming, really!
Caption 41, Märchen - Sagenhaft: Des Kaisers neue Kleider
Play Caption
Die Flagge hat oben und unten einen roten Streifen.
The flag has a red stripe on the top and bottom.
Caption 48, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte: Bundesland Berlin
Play Caption
Ein gestreiftes Hemd und eine warme Hose und ganz schicke Schuhe.
A striped shirt and warm trousers and very stylish shoes.
Caption 17, Nicos Weg: Schick!
Play Caption
In case you are like Nico and also like wearing patterned clothing, you might like to know that the word for "polka-dotted" is gepunktet, and kariert means "plaid," "checked," or "checkered."
Further Learning
After you watch Eva's video on Yabla German in its entirety, look up the German words for some 3-D forms such as the pyramid, cone, cylinder, and prism.
Although it's also the title of a Beatles song (covered by the Beach Boys too!), today we're taking a look at German variations of the adverb warum (why).
Und warum schickt die Lehrerin dann immer ihn Kreide holen?
So then why does the teacher always send him to get chalk?
Caption 40, Der kleine Nick: Nachmittag bei Adalbert
Play Caption
Ich weiß nicht warum, aber auch die Luft ist in dieser Jahreszeit oft wunderbar klar.
I don't know why, but the air is often wonderfully clear at this time of year.
Captions 15-16, Deutsch mit Eylin: Herbst in Hamburg
Play Caption
Ja? Warum nicht, warum nicht, warum nicht.
Yes? Why not, why not, why not.
Caption 14, Deutschkurs in Tübingen: Warum, weil - Erklärungen
Play Caption
It's probably pretty clear that warum can be used in a variety of contexts. But there are also—in English as well as German—different ways of saying "why."
Weshalb hatte er dann eine Pistole?
Why did he have a pistol then?
Caption 21, Großstadtrevier: Schatten der Vergangenheit
Play Caption
Weshalb hast du Entspannung gebraucht?
Why did you need relaxation?
Caption 18, Konjugation: Das Verb „brauchen“
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As you see above, the adverb weshalb has been correctly translated into English as "why." But these two German sentences could just as well have been translated in different ways:
Weshalb hatte er dann eine Pistole?
What did he have a pistol for, then?
How come he had a pistol, then?
For what reason did he have a pistol, then?
Weshalb hast du Entspannung gebraucht?
What did you need relaxation for?
How come you needed relaxation?
For what reason did you need relaxation?
The adverb weshalb can be used when you are explicitly asking about the purpose of something, and is, to some extent, the equivalent of the English "what for." The adverb weshalb tends to be used more often in a written context, but is also commonly used in spoken German.
Everything in a word's meaning will vary depending upon the context. It's simply more natural to say something one way than another, with varying factors such as the subtlety of the intended meaning and the formality or informality of the context all playing roles. In the following case, three different equivalent English words and phrases were used just to differentiate the German words— plus it would read pretty badly using "why" three times in a row!
Die Frageworte „wieso“, „weshalb“, „warum“ bedeuten alle das Gleiche. Aber „wieso“ und „warum“ werden am häufigsten verwendet.
The question words “how come,” “for what reason,” “why” all mean the same thing. But “how come” and “why” are the most commonly used.
Captions 6-7, Deutsch mit Eylin: Fragewörter
So while they may mean approximately the same thing, it's up to you to decide which German word works best in context. Here are some more words with similar "why" meanings:
Also, kann's Gründe geben, weswegen wir dann doch 'n bisschen später ankommen?
That is, is there any reason why we might arrive a little later?
Caption 60, Galileo Zug vs. Flugzeug: Von München nach Berlin
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The adverb weswegen is used more in writing than in speech, but if somebody ever asks you Weswegen?—and you want to be flippant—you can answer Deswegen! ("Why?" —"Because!")
Wozu braucht man einen Fruchtbarkeitstee, wenn man bereits schwanger ist?
Why do you need fertility tea if you are already pregnant?
Caption 9, Großstadtrevier Nicht mit mir - Part 5
Play Caption
The adverb wozu is also often translated as "what for."
Further Learning
Look for the German "why" adverbs warum, weshalb, wieso, weswegen, and wozu on Yabla German and see some of the various contexts in which they are used. Then write a list of English sentences and see if you can make multiple translations to German using the words above.
When talking about time in German, one word that is often found alone or as a root is das Mal. Not to be confused with das Mahl, which means "the meal," das Mal without an "h" means "the time" in the sense of "the instance." You've certainly seen sentences like this on Yabla German:
Bis zum nächsten Mal.
Till next time.
Caption 53, Abendessen: mit Marko
Play Caption
There are a number of words that employ this word as a root to express a more specific relation to time. For example, einmal means "once," and so einmalig is an adjective that describes something that happens only once, or is exceptionally unique.
Diese Ansprache, die gibt es ja normalerweise nur einmal im Jahr.
This address is usually only given once a year.
Caption 3, Coronavirus: Kommentar zu Angela Merkels Rede
Play Caption
Wir haben heute eine einmalige Aktion vor uns ...
We have a one-time special ahead of us today...
Caption 6, Coronavirus: Drei Musiker geben Ballonkonzert über Cloppenburg
Play Caption
Ja, also wir bauen einen Baum auf, der ist drei Meter fünfzig hoch, das ist so... so einmalig.
Yes, well, we put up a tree there which is three meters fifty tall, that's so... so unique.
Captions 11-12, Weihnachten geht baden: Tannenbaum unter Wasser
Play Caption
You may have also seen erstmal, which means "first," temporally speaking. If something is erstmalig, it is happening for the first time (zum ersten Mal).
Und dieser Boden ist hier in Darmstadt in der Centralstation ja erstmalig in Deutschland im Einsatz.
And this floor is here in Darmstadt in the Centralstation is in use for the first time in Germany.
Captions 1-2, Organic Disco: Tanzen gegen den Klimawandel
Play Caption
Now let's look at ehemals/ehemalig and damals/damalig, which both refer to the past. You'll see these words translated in different ways on Yabla, but often with "back then," "at the time," and "former," depending on whether an adverb or adjective/adjectival phrase is required.
Es war damals irgendwie total uncool, ein Auto zu haben.
It was somehow totally uncool to have a car back then.
Caption 33, Deutsch mit Eylin: Menschen beschreiben
Play Caption
Und die damalige Geschäftsführerin hat den Sender hier rübergebracht ...
And the former managing director brought the station over here...
Caption 52, Rhein-Main-TV: Interview mit Edmund Stössel
Play Caption
In Pforzheim steht nach Angaben des Betreibers das einzige DDR-Museum auf ehemals westdeutschem Boden...
In Pforzheim, according to accounts of the operator, stands the only GDR museum on former West German soil...
Captions 7-8, DDR zum Anfassen Ganz tief im Westen
Play Caption
Rund viertausend Besucher kommen jährlich nach Pforzheim, um etwas über die ehemalige DDR zu lernen.
Around four thousand visitors come yearly to Pforzheim to learn something about the former GDR.
Captions 39-40, DDR zum Anfassen Ganz tief im Westen
Play Caption
Further Learning
Build some sentences with einmal, zweimal, dreimal, and viermal that describe how often you have been to certain places or how often you do certain tasks during the week. Then look for examples of damals, ehemals, damalig, and ehemalig translated on Yabla German to get a sense of the nuances.
In Part I, we took a look at how some German prefixed verbs have meanings that don't have a clear relationship to their root words. Today, we'll take a look at some more examples.
As you probably already know, German verbs often use prefixes that change the meaning of their original root words. Usually, the prefixed verbs have a related meaning, however. For example, sagen ("to say") is related to besagen ("to state") by the fact that both words are related to speaking.
But in some cases, the relation of a prefixed verb to its root word is not so clear. For instance, untersagen means "to forbid," which in most usages refers to a law or rule rather than a verbal order. Its adverb strays even further from the root word: Es ist untersagt, den Raum zu betreten ("It is forbidden to enter the room").
Many such prefixed verbs are centuries old and stem from Middle German. They may have started off with a stronger relation to their root words, but as time went on, the meanings of the words may have changed.
Du musst endlich damit aufhören!
You have to finally stop this!
Caption 39, Die Pfefferkörner: Alles auf Anfang
Play Caption
The root verb hören means "to hear." A beginner's mistake might be to think aufhören means "to listen to," but in fact it means "to stop" and has no obvious correlation to its root word. The prefixed verb for "to listen" is zuhören, by the way!
Die Zahl der Flüchtlinge zu begrenzen lehnte sie in dem Interview mit der Funke Mediengruppe ab.
Limiting the number of refugees is something that she rejected in her interview with Funke Mediengruppe.
Captions 38-39, Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten: Atomenergie und Flüchtlingspolitik
Play Caption
In this case, the root verb lehnen means "to lean," but the prefixed verb ablehnen means "to reject." According to the word's etymology in the Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache, ablehnen has been in use since the 16th century, but unfortunately no explanation is given as to its connection with lehnen.
Ich würde vorschlagen, da machen wir einen Termin am Freitag um zwölf Uhr.
I'd suggest that we make an appointment for Friday at twelve o'clock.
Caption 26, Mein Weg nach Deutschland: Beim Arzt
Play Caption
A mistaken correlation with the root word schlagen ("to beat" or "to strike") might suggest an army making a preemptive strike, but in fact, the meaning of vorschlagen ("to suggest") is much less aggressive. If making a kind of verbal suggestion to somebody instead of hitting them is possible, it's definitely the better way to go!
Last but not least, here's an example with the root verb stellen and the prefixed verb vorstellen. Note that the word vor in the first example is a preposition, not part of the verb.
Ich stelle den vollen Müllbeutel deutlich sichtbar vor die Haustür.
I place the full trash bag clearly visible in front of the front door.
Caption 37, Deutsch mit Eylin: Putzen
Play Caption
Man stelle sich mal ein Europa vor, in dem alle Länder ihre Primärenergie ökologisch sauber zu decken versuchten.
Imagine a Europe in which all countries tried to cover their primary energy in a way that was ecologically clean.
Captions 25-26, Terra X Ohne Kohle und Atom: Geht uns der Strom aus?
Play Caption
Further Learning
Look at this list of 375 verbs with prefixes and look out for prefixed verbs that are not closely related to their root verbs. You can also search the Lessons on Yabla German for various conjugations of the verbs listed above to see them used in different contexts.
Summer vacation has started for students in Germany! Thousands of families will be heading out for their holidays in Germany and abroad during the next weeks. We've looked at nouns for "vacation" and "holiday" in a previous lesson, but this week we'll look at verbs and nouns related to resting, relaxing, and enjoying oneself.
The first verb to learn is sich entspannen, which almost always translates as "to relax." For the noun "relaxation," you can use die Entspannung.
Da kann man sich richtig entspannen.
You can really relax there.
Caption 40, Es war einmal … Entdecker und Erfinder: Archimedes
Play Caption
Gestern nach der Arbeit habe ich dringend Entspannung gebraucht.
Yesterday after work, I urgently needed relaxation.
Caption 17, Konjugation: Das Verb „brauchen“
Play Caption
For university students, or others who have had an intense year so far, sich erholen is another reflexive verb that may be appropriate. This verb can be translated as "to rest, "to recover," and "to recuperate," and its related noun is die Erholung. University students may still have exams or papers to complete, but their summer extends through September.
Fast scheint es, als wolle sich der Zwergtintenfisch von seinen Abenteuern erholen.
It almost appears that the bobtail squid wants to recover from its adventure.
Caption 9, Abenteuer Nordsee: Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen\
Play Caption
Fehmarn bietet seinen Gästen neben Erholung und Ruhe ein Veranstaltungsprogramm.
Fehmarn offers its guests, in addition to relaxation and rest, an events program.
Caption 21, Die Insel Fehmarn: Gästeboom
Play Caption
Another good verb for "to rest" is sich ausruhen. It is this verb that doctors are most likely to use when they talk about getting some rest.
Und ich kann mich dadurch noch tiefer ausruhen.
And that allows me to rest even more deeply.
Caption 33, Deutsch mit Eylin: Erkältungszeit
Play Caption
Er hatte zu viel Stress. Er muss sich jetzt ausruhen.
He was under too much stress. He has to rest now.
Caption 11, Nicos Weg: Alten- und Pflegeheim
Play Caption
However, if you are in good health and enjoying some time off, more relevant verbs might also be sich vergnügen, Spaß haben, or sich amüsieren.
Und außerdem müssen sich junge Leute noch ein bisschen amüsieren.
And besides, young people still need to enjoy themselves a bit.
Caption 21, Es war einmal... der Weltraum: Die Saurier
Play Caption
Further Learning
You can find lots of vocabulary related to relaxation and holidays on Yabla German. We also did a whole series on vacations not so long ago!
As you have likely learned, German verbs often use prefixes that change their meaning compared to their original root words. Usually, the prefixed verbs have a related meaning, however. For example, sagen ("to say") is related to besagen ("to state") by the fact that both words are related to speaking.
But in some cases, the relation of a prefixed verb to its root word is not so clear. For instance, untersagen means "to forbid," which in most usages refers to a law or rule rather than a verbal order. Its adverb strays even further from the root word: Es ist untersagt, den Raum zu betreten ("It is forbidden to enter the room").
Many such prefixed verbs are centuries old and stem from Middle German. They may have started off with a strong relation to their root words, but as time went on, the meanings of the words may have changed. Perhaps untersagen came from the days when a Saxon chieftain ruled the tribe by verbal command rather than by written laws?
Wir freuen uns immer, wenn Ausländer Deutsch sprechen.
We're always glad when foreigners speak German.
Caption 32, Anna: Am Strand in Mexiko
Play Caption
Und auch die Tierstudien widersprechen sich.
And even the animal studies contradict each other.
Caption 17, Terra X: Anti-Aging durch Fasten?
Play Caption
Sie müssen einen Kunstkörper herstellen für Präparate, die dem Original entsprechen.
They must make a plastic body for mountings that correspond to the original.
Captions 25-26, Wettlauf gegen den Verfall: Beruf Präparator
Play Caption
The verb sprechen is the root word of many prefixed verbs that have at least a tentative relation to speaking: absprechen ("to agree"), durchsprechen ("to talk over"), or weitersprechen ("to continue speaking"), for example. But while people can contradict each other verbally, you see above that widersprechen can also be used in contexts far beyond those containing speech. And the verb entsprechen goes even further away from its root word sprechen.
Er läuft Runden im Park, bis die Beine versagen.
He runs laps in the park until his legs fail.
Caption 21, Maxim: Meine Soldaten
Play Caption
The primary meaning of the verb versagen is "to fail," and is pretty far removed from its root word sagen. However, the secondary meaning is "to deny (something)," which has stronger correlations to the root word: Es war uns versagt, den Raum zu betreten. ("We were denied access to the room.")
Die Hochzeit würde also stattfinden.
The wedding would indeed take place.
Caption 45, Märchen - Sagenhaft: Hans mein Igel
Play Caption
It's difficult to reconcile stattfinden ("to take place") with finden ("to find"). The noun die Statt is an old-fashioned word meaning "place," but it's unclear how "to find" is related to the meaning.
Es gibt keinerlei Hinweise dafür, dass Flüchtlinge öfter Straftaten begehen als andere Menschen.
There is no proof whatsoever that refugees commit crimes more often than other people.
Captions 42-43, Flüchtlingskrise: 10 Vorurteile, die nicht stimmen
Play Caption
Eine Straftat begehen means "to commit a crime," and einen Fehler begehen means "to make a mistake." On the surface, there is little correlation with gehen ("to go").
The Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (DWDS for short) has a good section on the etymology or historical origin of German words, but in most cases, they too have difficulties making tentative connections with a lot of the words above.
Further Learning
Read this blog about how German prefixes alter the meanings of words. You can also search the Lessons on Yabla German for various conjugations of the verbs listed above to see them used in different contexts.
In a recent lesson, we looked at the verbs ansprechen, aussprechen, vorsprechen, nachsprechen, besprechen, and versprechen. However, there are many verbs related to speaking that do not contain the verb sprechen.
The verb sich unterhalten refers in particular to the art of conversation. Here it stands alone, but you will often see the construction sich mit jemanden unterhalten.
So kannst du auf natürliche Weise lernen, dich auf Deutsch zu unterhalten.
This is how you can naturally learn to converse in German.
Captions 10-11, Deutsch mit Eylin: Fragewörter
Play Caption
The verb reden is interesting because it can be used for both serious and less serious conversations. In terms of prepositions, you'll often see über etwas reden ("to discuss something") or mit jemandem reden ("to talk with someone"), and if someone tells you Wir müssen reden ("We need to talk"), it could be very serious indeed.
Als Nächstes möchte ich über die Geschichte Berlins reden.
Next, I'd like to talk about the history of Berlin.
Caption 16, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte: Bundesland Berlin
Play Caption
Hast du nicht gesehen, wie sie die ganze Nacht mit dem Typen geredet hat?
Did you not see how she was talking to that guy all night?
Caption 22, Die Wohngemeinschaft: Die Verabredung
Play Caption
The verb diskutieren is less ambiguous. Beware: it is stronger than "to discuss" in English and can even be translated as "to debate," "to dispute," or "to argue."
Am siebenundzwanzigsten Juli wollen sie das Thema im Gemeinderat diskutieren.
On the twenty-seventh of July they want to discuss the topic in the city council.
Caption 38, Online-Flashmob: "Bud-Spencer-Tunnel" in Gmünd
Play Caption
The verb quatschen is quite informal, and refers to chatting or conversation that isn't restrained by time or formalities. You might remember that the noun der Quatsch means nonsense, but the use of quatschen doesn't necessarily mean that the topic is nonsense, just maybe not so serious or important. The verb plaudern has a similarly informal meaning, while the verb labern does indicate a lack of sense or importance.
Ich dachte, wir quatschen mal eine Runde.
I thought we could chat for a bit.
Caption 2, Großstadtrevier: Nicht mit mir
Play Caption
Was quatschen die da hinten?
What are they chattering about back there?
Caption 19, Nena: Besser geht's nicht
Play Caption
Und auch ein bisschen, äh, die Spieler noch mal zu treffen, mit denen so ein bisschen zu plaudern...
And also to meet the players a little bit again, to chat with them a little bit...
Captions 44-45, Mercedes Benz: Michael Schumacher und Nico Rosberg bei der Nationalmannschaft
Play Caption
Der laberte irgendwas von Blüten.
He was babbling something about blossoms.
Caption 62, Die Pfefferkörner: Endspurt
Play Caption
Further Learning
You'll find many examples with these verbs on Yabla German. Make sure you review their conjugations as well.
One of the very first verbs you'll learn when studying German is sprechen ("to speak"). While watching videos on Yabla, however, you may have noticed that there are many verbs that consist of sprechen and a prefix.
Some separable verbs include the words for "to say out loud" and "to repeat out loud":
Ich spreche vor und du kannst sie nachsprechen.
I'll say them out loud, and you can repeat them.
Caption 35, Deutsch mit Eylin: Umlaute
Play Caption
The verb aussprechen can mean "to express" or "to pronounce" depending on the context.
Und lassen Sie mich auch hier Dank aussprechen an Menschen, denen zu selten gedankt wird.
And let me at this point also express gratitude to people who are too rarely thanked.
Captions 1-2, Coronavirus: Fernsehansprache von Angela Merkel
Play Caption
Das deutsche „Z“ wird immer so ausgesprochen.
The German "Z" is always pronounced like this.
Caption 21, Deutsch mit Eylin: S und Z
Play Caption
The verb ansprechen means "to address." Like in English, you can address a person or address a topic:
Ich war mir nicht sicher, wie ich es ansprechen sollte.
I was not sure how to address it.
Caption 11, Die Wohngemeinschaft: Probleme
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Sie ist sofort abgehauen, als Frau Lenz die Sache angesprochen hat.
She immediately took off when Ms. Lenz raised the matter.
Caption 65, Die Pfefferkörner: Endspurt
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There are also some inseparable verbs that you have likely already encountered. For a topic that's being discussed, you can use sprechen über or the verb besprechen.
Um die Einzelheiten zu besprechen.
To talk about the specific details.
Caption 11, Berufsleben: Probleme mit Mitarbeitern
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Dieses Thema haben wir schon in einem anderen Video besprochen.
We already spoke about this theme in another video.
Caption 3, Eva erklärt: die Steigerung von Adjektiven und Adverbien
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And though it's a bit different, let's include the verb versprechen ("to promise") as well:
Na gut, aber ihr müsst versprechen, dass ihr wach bleibt. -Versprochen.
All right, but you have to promise that you will stay awake. -Promised.
Caption 25, Peppa Wutz: Sterne - Zahnfee - Übernachtungsparty
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Further Learning
You can find many examples of these verbs conjugated on Yabla German. Stay tuned for a follow-up lesson in a few weeks!
Summer is the time to go swimming. Let's talk today about words related to swimming and swimming safety.
Man kann hier natürlich noch andere Sachen tun als nur schwimmen.
You can, of course, do other things here besides just swimming.
Caption 6, Berlin: Wannsee
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OK, und dann halt lieber hier in der freien Natur baden.
OK, and then just better to swim here in open nature.
Caption 77, Unterwegs mit Cettina: Sommer am Baggersee
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The verbs schwimmen and baden both mean "to swim," but baden can also mean "to play in the water" or even "to take a bath." I've often had Europeans ask if we should "go bathing" (or even "have a bath"), by which they mean "go swimming," of course!
Kommt Kinder, wir gehen zur Abkühlung erst mal eine Runde schwimmen!
Come on kids, let's go for a swim to cool off first!
Caption 72, Umwelt und Natur: Wo sind all die Bienen hin?
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Aber es ist perfekt, um ans Meer zu fahren und baden zu gehen.
But it's perfect for going to the sea and going for a swim.
Caption 39, Deutsch mit Eylin: Das Wetter
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To say "to go swimming," you combine the verbs gehen and schwimmen, or gehen and baden. Note that the phrases consist of two verbs and are not single separable verbs!
Den größten Teil meiner Freizeit verbringe ich in Tel Aviv und am Strand.
I spend the largest portion of my free time in Tel Aviv and at the beach.
Caption 11, Grete: eine Freiwillige in Israel
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Also, in Tübingen gibt's ein Schwimmbad.
Well, in Tübingen there is a swimming pool.
Caption 21, Deutschkurs in Tübingen: Über jemanden sprechen
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Two obvious places to go swimming are the beach (der Strand) or a swimming pool (das Schwimmbad), and you'll hopefully be able to find those someplace closer to home than Tel Aviv or Tübingen!
Mein Handtuch brauche ich nicht.
I don't need my towel.
Caption 19, Peppa Wutz: Sport
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Actually, unless you're going to a gym that supplies a towel, you will probably want to have one when you go swimming. Das Handtuch is the general word for "towel," but you may want to bring a bigger one to lie down on, such as a a beach towel (das Strandtuch).
Vorsicht: Die Sonne ist auch sehr heiß. Deswegen brauchen wir einen Hut, eine Sonnenbrille, und ganz wichtig... Sonnencreme.
Beware: The sun is also very hot. Therefore we need a hat, sunglasses, and very important... sun lotion.
Captions 18-21, Jahreszeiten: Der Sommer
Play Caption
Safety first! In addition to a hat (der Hut), sunglasses (die Sonnenbrille), and sun lotion (die Sonnencreme), it's important to bring lots of liquids to drink!
Further Learning
Watch the videos above on Yabla German and learn some other terms about summer fun. And then take a break and go swimming somewhere to cool off! And remember to be safe about swimming when you're out in the hot sun.
Las lecciones con cinco palabras tienen como propósito exponer vocabulario fundamental en alemán. En este caso, la importancia de las palabras para la escuela radica en que los estudiantes mejoren su capacidad para comunicarse y comprender mejor cuando deseen hablar sobre el aprendizaje general y sobre la propia experiencia educativa.
A continuación presentamos las cinco palabras seleccionadas y al final de la lección construiremos una oración de ejemplo con ellas.
Se usa frecuentemente con el sentido de practicar, ejercitar, entrenar.
Und zum Schluss üben wir noch mal einige Wörter zusammen.
Y finalmente practicamos de nuevo algunas palabras juntas.
Caption 41, Deutsch mit Eylin S und Z - Part 2
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Es una de las variantes alemanas del verbo oír, en este caso, equivalente en este caso a escuchar atentamente.
Du musst genau zuhören, was gesprochen wird,
Tienes que escuchar con atención lo que se dice,
Caption 43, German Intro Cettina
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Abschluss (der)
Es un sustantivo masculino que significa cierre, término, pero también diploma o título.
und ich habe grade meinen Abschluss an der Uni gemacht,
y me acabo de titular en la universidad,
Caption 13, Berufsleben das Vorstellungsgespräch - Part 2
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Hausaufgaben (die)
La palabra Aufgabe ya significa sola “tarea”, al combinarse con Haus remite a deber, a tarea
muy frecuentemente en el contexto escolar. Hausaufgaben se escribe siempre en plural
„Hast du die Hausaufgaben gemacht?" -Jawohl.
„¿Has hecho los deberes?" -¡Por supuesto!.
Caption 71, Deutschkurs in Tübingen Die Konjunktion „dass“ - Part 3
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Auswendig lernen
Die muss man dann ganz einfach auswendig lernen.
Esas, por lo tanto, hay que aprenderlas de memoria.
Subtítulo 41, Eva erklärt die Steigerung von Adjektiven und Adverbien - Part 2
Play Caption
Para finalizar, hemos redactado una oración de ejemplo combinando las palabras anteriores.
Ich lerne meine Hausaufgaben auswendig und übe hart, um mich auf den Abschluss vorzubereiten. Beim Lernen muss man genau zuhören, um den Inhalt richtig zu verstehen.
(Memorizo las tareas y practico mucho para prepararme para la graduación. Cuando estudias, tienes que escuchar atentamente para entender bien el contenido.)
Hasta la próxima lección con cinco palabras.
My experiences with having roommates in the United States varied a lot. Sometimes the landlord just didn't care, or at most just asked to be informed. Sometimes they wanted to check the potential roommate's credit rating, or even go so far as adding them to the lease or rental contract.
Laws regarding renter's rights vary in different places in Germany, but in the city-state of Berlin, there are a number of peculiar aspects to what should be a fairly simple process: getting a roommate.
You are required by Berlin law to have the landlord's permission to sublet (untermieten) before your roommate, the subletter (der Untermieter, die Untermieterin), moves in.
Na ja, Sie sind doch der Vermieter hier.
Well, you're the landlord here.
Caption 8, Nicos Weg: Nachbarschaft
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Bis sie eine Erlaubnis bekommen...
Until they receive permission...
Caption 36, Flüchtlingskrise: 10 Vorurteile, die nicht stimmen
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Hast du Mitbewohner? Ja, ich habe eine Mitbewohnerin. Ihr Name ist Sarah.
Do you have roommates? Yes, I have a roommate. Her name is Sarah.
Captions 5-6, Drei Leute: beim Kofferpacken
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The genders of the above are der Vermieter or die Vermieterin; der Mitbewohner or die Mitbewohnerin; die Erlaubnis.
If you don't ask the landlord's permission first, and either the landlord or somebody from the property management (die Hausverwaltung) notices a new name on the doorbell or mailbox, you could have a serious problem. If the landlord can prove you are subletting without permission—which is actually quite difficult without your roommate openly admitting it—you and your roommate could be evicted (zwangsgeräumt) from your apartment.
On a more positive note, however, if you have valid reasons, such as not wanting to live alone and/or wanting to save money on your costs of living, the landlord is required by law to grant you permission. First, you write them a letter asking permission to have a subletter and giving the personal details about your roommate such as their full name (der Vollname), date of birth (das Geburtsdatum), place of birth (der Geburtsort), and their last residential address (die letzte Wohnanschrift), and give valid reasons for wanting a roommate. The only legal reasons they might have for refusing are if your roommate has a bad rental history record or if there is less than 12.5 square meters (about 135 square feet) per person in the flat.
If the landlord fails to answer you within the period you asked them to, usually two weeks, you can get a lawyer to file against them and have the court order the landlord to give you permission. There are a number of renter's rights organizations in Berlin that, for a yearly fee of around 100 euros, offer free legal help, from advice all the way to the courtroom. It's smart to belong to one of these organizations!
Ich will Jura studieren und Rechtsanwältin werden.
I want to study law and become a lawyer.
Caption 42, Küss mich, Frosch: Für immer Frosch?
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Ihrer Klage sehen wir gelassen entgegen.
We are calmly looking forward to your lawsuit.
Caption 21, Marga Engel schlägt zurück: Betrug
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The gender variants for "lawyer" are der Rechtsanwalt and die Rechtsanwältin.
Unless you are subletting your entire flat, the landlord is not allowed to stipulate any conditions in their permission to sublet, such as a limited time period or based upon a yearly verification of your income. Even if you agreed to such conditions originally, they can be invalidated in court because the landlord was not allowed to stipulate them in the first place.
Once you get permission for your roommate to live with you, you should have them sign a sublet contract (der Untermietvertrag) and then fill out—and this is a real mouthful–eine Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung, which can be translated as "a housing provider certificate." Your roommate needs one of these so that they can get a residential registration (die Meldebestätigung) at your address. Without a valid residential registration, they will have a lot problems with things such as getting a library card, a bank account, or a residence permit!
Thankfully, renters have a lot of rights in Berlin, but you may sometimes find yourself in the position of having to fight for those rights. Joining a renter's rights association is a good option and gives you full access to advice from experienced lawyers.
Further Learning
If you are in the mood to get into some advanced German, read this article about a decision of the Landgericht Berlin about subletting rights by the Berliner Mietergemeinschaft. You can also go to Yabla German and find other videos with some of the German vocabulary words mentioned above!
This week, we'll look at vocabulary for describing German apartment buildings, which is often no easy task. Even when a building is not particularly large in comparison to what you might find in other cities, there are some essential words for describing where you are located.
The architecture of many apartment buildings involves a central courtyard, der Hinterhof. The part of the building that is immediately on the street is called das Vorderhaus, while the apartments accessed by going through the courtyard are in what is generally called either das Hinterhaus, das Quergebäude, or das Gartenhaus. The part of the building that runs along the sides of the courtyard and connects these two parts is called der Seitenflügel and is often specified with links or rechts.
So, if you have a visitor and need to describe where your apartment is located, this may be what you specify first. Next, however, you will also need to describe what floor you are on. There are three nouns for this: die Etage, das Stockwerk (der Stock), and das Obergeschoss (sometimes abbreviated OG). Do keep in mind that the ground floor (das Erdgeschoss or das Hochparterre when it's elevated from street level) is not considered the first floor in German-speaking countries!
Unser Büro befindet sich im vierten Stock.
Our office is located on the fourth floor.
Caption 47, Berufsleben: das Vorstellungsgespräch:
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Das Zimmer ist in der vierten Etage.
The room is on the fourth floor.
Caption 13, Nicos Weg: Im Hotel
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Wir können damit ins erste OG [Obergeschoss] hoch.
We can hoist it onto our shoulders, we can go up to the first floor [US second floor] with it
Caption 43, Feuerwehr Heidelberg: Löschfahrzeug
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In order to reach these floors, a visitor will need to either take the stairs, or if they're lucky, find an elevator. There are also two different words used for "the elevator" in German.
Du, ich bin schon im Treppenhaus.
Hey, I'm already in the stairwell.
Caption 64, Die Pfefferkörner: Alles auf Anfang
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Den Aufzug finden Sie vorne rechts.
You'll find the elevator in the front on the right-hand side.
Caption 20, Nicos Weg: Im Hotel
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Ich hab grad gehört, der Fahrstuhl bleibt stecken.
I just heard that the elevator is stuck.
Caption 3, Die Pfefferkörner: Endspurt
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With any luck, they will then find the door of the apartment. Like the front door of a house, there is also a special word for this in German:
Ich stelle den vollen Müllbeutel deutlich sichtbar vor die Haustür.
I place the full trash bag clearly visible in front of the front door.
Caption 37, Deutsch mit Eylin: Putzen
Play Caption
Dieser Brettschneider hat doch gesagt, dass die Typen direkt vor seiner Wohnungstür gestanden haben.
This Brettschneider guy told us that the guys were standing right in front of his apartment door.
Captions 43-44, Großstadtrevier: Von Monstern und Mördern
Play Caption
Further Learning
Practice describing where a friend or relative's apartment is in their building. You can also choose an office you've been to and describe which floor it's on. For more information about this topic, including common abbreviations, you can check out this Wikipedia page.
Several years ago, Yabla published a two-part lesson about the climate crisis (die Klimakrise). The situation since then has gotten even worse, so let's revisit the topic today.
The term "climate change" (der Klimawandel) is generally used to describe how mankind's activities are affecting our climate today in ways that have a serious impact on our environment, our economy, and our lives.
Und da sieht man ganz klar: Der Klimawandel ist „real“.
And you can see very clearly that climate change is real.
Caption 13, WWF Deutschland Klimawandel hautnah: Was sind die Auswirkungen?
Play Caption
Beim Strom haben wir den Vorteil zu anderen erneuerbaren Energieträgern.
With electricity we have the advantage over other renewable energy carriers.
Caption 27, Agrarmesse: Grüne Woche in Berlin
Play Caption
Other sources of electricity, such as dams and wind turbines, may have a negative effect on the landscape, but they are relatively green compared to energy sources such as fossil fuels (fossile Energieträger). Wikipedia describes a fossil fuel as a substance "such as coal, oil, and natural gas, formed naturally in the Earth's crust from the remains of dead plants and animals, that is extracted and burned as a fuel."
Die globale Klimaerwärmung hinterlässt Spuren.
Global warming is leaving its mark.
Caption 24, Die letzten Paradiese: Schätze der Natur: Südtirol
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The air pollution caused by fossil fuels causes global warming (die globale Erwärmung). Global warming is the largely human-caused increase of our planet's temperatures over the last decades.
Seit 1850 hat sich die Gletscherfläche bereits halbiert.
Since 1850, the glacial area has already been halved.
Caption 32, Alpenseen: Kühle Schönheiten
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As the glaciers (der Gletscher, plural die Gletscher) and the icebergs (der Eisberg, plural die Eisberge) melt due to fossil fuels causing global warming, rivers are overfilled with water, and the sea rises.
Das Eis am Nord- und Südpol schmilzt, der Meeresspiegel steigt, es kommt zu schlimmen Überschwemmungen und woanders zu schlimmen Dürren.
The ice at the North and South Pole is melting, the sea level is rising, terrible floods are occurring and elsewhere terrible droughts.
Captions 31-32, OroVerde - Regenwald schützen: CO2, Regenwald und Klimaschutz
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A drought (die Dürre) is the opposite of a flood (die Überschwemmung): instead of too much water, there isn't enough. Without enough water, farmers are unable to grow the kinds of food that they used to in the past. Property, crops, and even human lives are lost as a direct result of storms, floods, and droughts caused by global warming.
Hilf also mit, die Wälder zu schützen, rette den Regenwald!
So help protect the forests, save the rainforest!
Caption 46, OroVerde - Regenwald schützen: CO2, Regenwald und Klimaschutz
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By protecting the rainforest (der Regenwald), global warming is reduced, because trees absorb the heat from sunlight and turn carbon dioxide into oxygen—which we also need to breathe! King Charles of Great Britain has a rainforests project, and has stated that stopping the destruction of rainforests would help slow climate change. However, it's only going to change if wealthy people like King Charles and large profit-driven corporations are made to take financial and moral responsibility for the destruction they are causing.
Die Gewinne sind ja auch dementsprechend hoch.
The profits are accordingly high.
Caption 8, Ball des Weines: Tombola
Play Caption
As long as the burning of fossil fuels continues to create windfall profits for the ultra wealthy and corporations, there is little chance of slowing global warming and climate change. A carbon tax (die CO2-Steuer or die Kohlenstoffsteuer), which would tax products that damage the environment according to the costs of repairing the damages they cause, could help solve the problem by forcing manufacturers to seek greener energy sources. But in many western democratic countries, this is seen as a danger to profits, and stands very little chance with politicians, whose campaigns are often heavily financed by some of the world's worst polluters.
As individuals, the best that most of us can manage (including voting!) is to continue to do our small part in reducing our consumption of products that directly lead to global warming!
Further Learning
Go to Yabla German and watch some of the videos above that deal with this topic. You can also search for some of the highlighted words to find more German videos related to climate change.
Although both of the words above are most often translated as "together," and there are instances in which either one can be used, there are also some nuances to be aware of.
The word gemeinsam will often be used when there is a mutuality, an act of cooperating or working together, or an idea of having a common goal. Another translation could be "collectively" or "conjointly." With gemeinsam, there is an indication that a group exists or has been formed.
Heute wollen wir mal wieder gemeinsam kochen.
Today we want to cook together again.
Caption 2, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte - Hessen
Play Caption
Der Lehrer bespricht die Aufgaben gemeinsam mit den Schülern.
The teacher discusses the assignments with the students.
Caption 50, Deutsch mit Eylin - Pronomen
Play Caption
Heute machen wir gemeinsam einen Einbürgerungstest.
Today we'll do a citizenship test together.
Caption 2, Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Einbürgerungstest
Play Caption
The word zusammen refers to the state of being together with another person, but both people might still act independently or have different goals.
Wie verbringt ihr Silvester?
How do you spend New Year's Eve?
-Mit meiner Familie und wir essen schön zusammen.
-With my family and we have a nice supper together.
Caption 59, Silvester Vorsätze für das neue Jahr - Karlsruhe
Play Caption
Aber ihr seid doch erst seit ein paar Wochen zusammen.
But you've only been together a few weeks.
Caption 18, Nicos Weg - A2 Folge 15: Kinder
Play Caption
Wir haben zum Beispiel Karten zusammen gespielt.
We played cards together, for example.
Caption 32, Angelique Kerber - Ihre tennisfreie Zeit
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This distinction is easy to remember if you can remember that there is also the phrase etwas gemeinsam haben, which means "to have something in common."
Wir haben ja vieles gemeinsam.
We have a lot in common.
Caption 12, Weihnachtsmann gesucht - Der Engel
Play Caption
Further Learning
When you watch videos on Yabla German, note when the word gemeinsam is used rather than zusammen. You can also write some sentences about what you and your friends have in common.
Was war am 8. Mai 1945?
What happened on the 8th of May, 1945?
Caption 31, Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Einbürgerungstest - Part 10
Play Caption
On the evening of May 8th, 1945, German forces surrendered unconditionally to Allied forces in Berlin, marking the end of the Second World War in Europe. This also meant the end of Nazi Germany, which had been committing crimes against humanity in Germany and in occupied countries for more than twelve years.
Wann waren die Nationalsozialisten
When were the National Socialists
mit Adolf Hitler in Deutschland an der Macht?
in power with Adolf Hitler in Germany?
1933 bis 1945.
From 1933 to 1945.
Captions 18-19, Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Einbürgerungstest - Part 11
Play Caption
In the United States and Great Britain, the day is called Victory in Europe Day (often shortened to "VE Day"). A national holiday is celebrated on this date in a number of European countries. In Germany, the day is known as Tag der Befreiung, or "Liberation Day." Although not a national holiday in Germany, there are often events organized on this day to celebrate the country's liberation from the Nazis and to memorialize the millions of victims. For May 8th, 2020, the city-state of Berlin declared a regional holiday to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation.
It may seem strange to some that a country would celebrate its own surrender, but by doing so the Germans create a clear break between the authoritarian Nazi state and the democratic German Federal Republic which followed. It is simultaneously a way to remember the human destruction caused by the criminal Nazi Regime.
Die Städte fallen unter den alliierten Bombern in Schutt und Asche.
The cities are falling into debris and ashes under the Allied bombers.
Caption 26, Die Stunde der Offiziere - Dokudrama über den 20. Juli 1944
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Although the Allied bombing of civilians in the Second World War would be judged a war crime by modern standards, it was practiced by all sides in this conflict. Most Germans today recognize that it was the Nazi Regime that ultimately bears responsibility for the destruction inflicted upon Germany during the war by its enemies.
Welche Länder wurden nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Deutschland
Which countries were, in Germany after the Second World War,
als alliierte Besatzungsmächte bezeichnet?
named Allied occupying powers?
USA, die Sowjetunion, Großbritannien und Frankreich.
USA, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France.
Captions 33-35, Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Einbürgerungstest - Part 10
Play Caption
Although the Allied forces eventually withdrew most of their troops from Germany—the Soviets completely, after the dissolution of the GDR and the Soviet Union—there is still a continuing problem with right-wing extremists in Germany.
Wir ignorieren seit 1945,
Since 1945, we've been ignoring
dass es noch so viel Rechtsextremismus in Deutschland gibt.
that there is still so much right-wing extremism in Germany.
Captions 54-55, Böhmermann - Wie geht man als Satiriker mit Rechtspopulismus um?
Play Caption
Und im Rahmen dieses besonderen Tages
And in the framework of this special day,
wurde auch die Gedenkstätte
the Memorial
für die ermordeten Wiesbadener Juden
for the Murdered Jews of Wiesbaden
ihrer Bestimmung übergeben.
was consigned to its set purpose.
Captions 8-10, Holocaust-Gedenktag - Gedenkstätte am Michelsberg
Play Caption
It is through Holocaust memorials, such as those in Michelsberg and Wiesbaden, that Germany hopes to steer young people away from right-wing racist extremism. But the infiltration of the German police and military by right-wing extremists has only started to be investigated in recent years, and 2022's coup attempt to seize the military and overthrow the German government has hopefully awakened the German government to the need to take stronger measures.
Further Learning
Today, the 8th of May 2023, is the 78th anniversary of the surrender of Nazi Germany and the liberation of Europe. You can read on Wikipedia about the surrender of Nazi Germany on May 8th, 1945, and about the Allied holiday that celebrated the event. Go to Yabla German to watch some of the videos above about related topics.
Not too long ago, we sent out a lesson on homographs, which are words that are spelled the same and sound the same, but have different meanings. You could also say that it's when one word has various definitions. Anyway, the noun der Gang falls into this category.
One translation of der Gang is "the course," as in a course of events, or the way something happens.
Hier geht alles seinen ruhigen Gang.
Here, everything runs its quiet course.
Caption 21, Die letzten Paradiese - Die Schönheit der Alpen - Part 9
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Just as a course can also refer to part of a meal in English, Germans say der erste Gang for the first course (though probably more often die Vorspeise / "the appetizer") and der Hauptgang for the main course.
Und da kommt auch schon der nächste Gang.
And here comes the next course already.
Caption 18, Die letzten Paradiese - Die Schönheit der Alpen - Part 5
Play Caption
Now it's time to shift into high gear, for which we can also use der Gang, as it is used to refer to a gear that you would shift into on a bicycle or in a car. Unlike in English, it does NOT refer to a gear in a wristwatch, which is das Zahnrad (die Zahnräder as a plural noun).
Dann legen wir den ersten Gang ein.
Then we shift into first gear.
Caption 17, Fahrschule - Wie man die Kupplung bedient
Play Caption
Here you can see how der Gang is used to refer to someone's gait or the act of doing a walkthrough.
Es gibt ja viele Frauen, die...
There are many women that....
ja, ihren Gang auch ein bisschen verbessern können.
yes, can also improve their walk a little bit.
Caption 15, Auf dem Laufsteg - Modelcollege in Wiesbaden
Play Caption
... deshalb schwingt bei einem Gang durch das Museum auch viel Nostalgie mit.
... therefore a tour through the museum also resonates with a lot of nostalgia.
Caption 23, Flipperautomaten - Kunstwerke für flinke Kugeln
Play Caption
And then there's the very common translation of der Gang as a hallway or corridor:
Der rechte Gang und dann ganz hinten links.
The right hallway and then all the way in the back on the left.
Caption 18, Mein Weg nach Deutschland - Auf Arbeitssuche
Play Caption
Further Learning
You'll find many instances of der Gang used on Yabla German, but why not also try to formulate your own sentences?