The word sei is something that can be a bit confusing when it appears. Although it is rare and more often used in written German, sei does comes up on Yabla German every once in a while.
It is, for one, the informal second person command form of the verb sein ("to be").
Wir haben Fieber, komm sei dabei
We have the fever, come be involved
Caption 11, Christina Stürmer - Fieber
Play Caption
Sei ruhig, Findus, ich bin ja noch gar nicht aufgestanden.
Be quiet, Findus, I indeed haven't gotten up yet at all.
But sei appears in other contexts as well. The phrase es sei denn can be translated as "unless":
Man hat uns erzählt, sie läge bis zum heutigen Tag dort,
Someone has told us [it is said] that it is there to this very day,
es sei denn, es hat sie jemand gegessen.
unless someone has eaten it.
Captions 93-94, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse
Play Caption
Sei is particularly used when something is or was reported or thought to be true, but isn't proven. However, it is used most often in written German, or narration and reporting.
Also hat der Papst die Armbrust verboten
So the Pope forbade [the use of] the crossbow
und hat gesagt, es sei ein Werkzeug des Teufels.
and said it is a tool of the devil.
Captions 30-31, Die Armbrust - im Mittelalter
Play Caption
Nein, der unbekannte Verkehrsteilnehmer hatte nur irrtümlich angenommen, die Parkuhr sei beschädigt...
No, the unknown motorist had just mistakenly assumed the parking meter was damaged...
Die böse Königin glaubte, Schneewittchen sei tot...
The evil Queen believed Snow White to be dead...
Caption 51, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Schneewittchen
Play Caption
Further Learning
Do you know all of the conjugations of sein in the imperative? If not, review them now with the table on this page. When you encounter sei in its other contexts, remember that it essentially communicates the subjunctive and what is being said may not be true at all!
While the appreciative audience for bad puns on Oscar Wilde play titles may be limited, it is important to know if somebody is being serious or not in German, especially when your goal is to achieve a proficient level of communication in that language.
If Johanna and Julia both have husbands named Ernst, and somebody announces to them that a man named Ernst is on the telephone, Johanna might ask Julia Das ist nicht dein Ernst, oder? to see if Julia's husband is calling or if it's her own husband on the telephone. In all other cases, however, a reference to the noun der Ernst ("seriousness") preceded by a possessive pronoun (mein, dein, Ihr, euer, unser) means something else altogether:
Das is'... das ist nicht dein Ernst, oder?
That is... you're not serious, right?
Caption 24, 12 heißt: Ich liebe dich - Kapitel 4: Liebe auf den ersten Blick
Play Caption
The phrase would translate literally (and rather clumsily) as "Is that not your seriousness?," but what is meant is "You're not serious?"
Here's another example of the phrase, this time with the second person plural possessive pronoun:
Des isch net euern Ernscht [Dialekt, das ist nicht euer Ernst]!
You can't be serious!
Caption 71, Die Pierre-M.-Krause-Show - Classics
Play Caption
Another way of stating whether somebody is being serious or not is to use the noun der Ernst preceded by the dative preposition in:
Das meinst du nicht im Ernst.
You can't be serious.
Caption 17, Mama arbeitet wieder - Kapitel 2: Kompromisse zu finden ist nicht einfach
Play Caption
Im Ernst is in fact the most common way to say "seriously":
Nein! -Ja, ganz im Ernst.
No! -Yes, seriously.
Caption 11, Barbara Schöneberger - Bambi-Verleihung backstage
Play Caption
Further Learning
If you are taking your German lessons seriously, you can go to Yabla German and find other uses of der Ernst in a real-world context — excepting, of course, the rare occasion when Johanna or Julia's husband Ernst shows up!
It's typical in many languages to use phrases with animals as idiomatic expressions, such as the English expressions "to let the cat out of the bag" (to reveal a secret) or "Hold your horses!" (ordering someone to stop whatever they are doing). German has a number of animal expressions too, but in this lesson today, we'll only concern ourselves with those related to rabbits!
…aber die alten Hasen trotzdem noch kommen, die „Die-hard“-Fans.
…but the old rabbits nevertheless still come, the die-hard fans.
Caption 44, Sons of Sounds - Open-Air in Karlsruhe
Play Caption
Musikalisch könnten Ärzte, Rammstein und Co
Musically, the Ärzte, Rammstein and others could
von einem alten Hasen wie ihm noch richtig was lernen.
really still learn something from an old rabbit like him.
Captions 24-25, Heino - Neue Volkslieder
Play Caption
The idiom ein alter Hase is equivalent to the English idiom "an old hand", meaning somebody who has a lot of experience at something. Judging from the videos above, the expression seems to be a particular favorite of musicians!
Hallöchen, ihr Hasen! Ich bin die kleine, süße Olivia Jones.
Hello [diminutive], you bunnies! I am sweet little Olivia Jones.
Caption 1, Hamburger Hafenrundfahrt - Schrill unterwegs mit Olivia Jones
Play Caption
Tschüss, Prinzessin. -Tschüss, Mama. -Tschüss, mein Hase.
Bye, Princess. -Bye, Mama. -Bye, my bunny.
Caption 60, Mama arbeitet wieder - Kapitel 1: Alle haben sich lieb
Play Caption
In the examples above, Hase has been translated as "bunny," in this case it means a term of endearment like "darling."
Damit ist der Hase wohl gelutscht und der Drops sitzt in der Falle [Redewendungen mit vertauschten Subjekten].
With that the rabbit has been sucked and the lozenge is in the trap [Expressions with subjects reversed].
Caption 66, Die Pierre-M.-Krause-Show - Classics
Play Caption
The above example actually reversed the subjects of the sentence as a joke. The phrase should be: Der Hase sitzt in der Falle, which is not really an idiom at all, rather just a metaphorical phrase meaning they have caught the criminal they intended to arrest.
Further Learning
The following phrases are typical idiomatic expressions using der Hase. See if you can intuitively guess their meaning, then go to this Duden page and see if your guesses were correct!
— ein heuriger Hase
— sehen, wie der Hase läuft
— da liegt der Hase im Pfeffer
Afterwards, you can go to Yabla German and find other uses of der Hase in a real-world context.
Thank you for reading this. Keep up the good work! If you have any good ideas for lesson topics, please email them to us at, and you can tweet us @yabla.
This week we'll look at the German translations for English expressions using the word "way."
Both "on my way" (also with "your" or any other possessive adjective) and "on the way" are translated as auf dem Weg in German.
Ich bin auf dem Weg und jetzt geh' ich unter das Tor.
I'm on the way and now I'll go under the gate.
Caption 34, Diane erklärt - Präpositionen
Play Caption
This can also be used figuratively as well, as it is in English:
Dann gibt es nur noch eine kleine Hürde auf dem Weg zu Ihrem Traumjob.
Then there is still only one small hurdle on the way to your dream job.
Caption 16, Bundestagswahl – Stellenanzeige - Bundeskanzler gesucht
Play Caption
The same goes for something standing or being "in the way":
Und dem soll auch vorerst nichts im Wege stehen.
And for now nothing should stand in the way of that.
Caption 15, Rhein-Main-TV aktuell - Der Frühling ist da
Play Caption
Dann kann der aufsteigenden Künstlerin ja nichts mehr im Wege stehen.
Then, indeed, nothing can stand in the way any longer of this rising artist.
Caption 33, Singer-Songwriterin Elif - Eine Achterbahn der Gefühle
Play Caption
The expression unterwegs means "on the way," "traveling" / "in transit" or "on the go."
„Wann sehen wir endlich die Faulheit?“, fragte Piggeldy unterwegs.
"When will we finally see the laziness?" Piggeldy asked on the way.
Caption 7, Piggeldy und Frederick - Faulheit
Play Caption
Sie waren den ganzen Tag unterwegs gewesen und es wurde dunkel...
They had been travelling the whole day, and it grew dark...
Caption 36, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
Play Caption
Eva Padberg ist als Model viel unterwegs.
Eva Padberg is, as a model, on the go a lot.
Caption 1, Rhein-Main-TV - Eva Padberg beim Weihnachtseinkauf
Play Caption
When we talk about a way of doing something or the way something happened, we use the words die Art, die Weise, or the expression die Art und Weise.
Doch im dritten Viertel wendete sich das Blatt in kaum vorstellbarer Weise.
Indeed, in the third quarter the page [the tables] turned in an almost unimaginable way.
Caption 23, Deutsche Bank Skyliners - Basketball-Bundesliga
Play Caption
Und das tun die Tiere im Frankfurter Zoo auf ganz unterschiedliche Art und Weise.
And the animals at the Frankfurt Zoo do this in very different ways.
Caption 15, Umfragen - Zootiere im Winter
Play Caption
There are a couple of different ways to express "either way," such as in beiden Fällen or so oder so.
So oder so, wir werden dann auf alle Fälle mit Ihnen Kontakt aufnehmen.
Either way, we will in any event get in touch with you.
Caption 68, Berufsleben - das Vorstellungsgespräch
Play Caption
Further Learning
Try integrating these phrases in your daily language practice. If you need more examples, do a search on Yabla German.
Quite a few words, phrases, and expressions related to promises, secrets, and lies have popped up in some of Yabla's recent video series. Let's look at some of these, as they can be a useful and fun addition to your vocabulary.
The basic word for a promise is das Versprechen, which stems from the verb versprechen. However, schwören can be used like "to swear" in English to indicate a promise as well:
Er erinnerte sie daran, dass man halten muss, was man verspricht.
He reminded her that you must keep what you have promised.
Caption 66, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Der Froschkönig
Play Caption
Wir haben Flügel, schwören uns ewige Treue
We have wings, we swear eternal loyalty to each other
Caption 18, Andreas Bourani - Auf uns
Play Caption
You may know the noun for "secret" but do you know the adjective for "top secret"?
Wie meinst du das? -Ich kenne dein Geheimnis! -Was?
How do you mean that? -I know your secret! -What?
Caption 37, Das Lügenbüro - Die Bewerbung
Play Caption
Das streng geheime Papier, das in Olbrichts Panzerschrank lagert...
The top secret paper stored in Olbricht's safe...
Caption 4, Die Stunde der Offiziere - Dokudrama über den 20. Juli 1944
Play Caption
The expression unter vier Augen means "in private" or "between the two of us":
Ich halte es sowieso für besser, mit Prinz Dietbert unter vier Augen zu sprechen.
I think it is better anyway to speak with Prince Dietbert under four eyes [in private].
Caption 33, Küss mich, Frosch - Leb wohl, kleiner Prinz
Play Caption
You may know the noun die Lüge and the verb lügen, but there is also anlügen, which refers to lying to directly to a person.
Und wir sind umgezogen, ich hab dich angelogen
And we moved, I lied to you
Caption 2, AnnenMayKantereit - Oft gefragt
Play Caption
Further Learning
Practice conjugating the verbs schwören, versprechen, and lügen/anlügen. You can find more examples of these verbs used in real life situations on Yabla German.
In last week's newsletter, we looked at the various ways of expressing the adverb "even" in German. We shouldn't forget that adverbs not only describe verbs, but adjectives as well. In this case, "even" is expressed with "noch":
Und mit ein bisschen Unterstützung der Teamkollegen klappt's vielleicht noch besser.
And with a little support from the team members it might work out even better.
Caption 11, Fußball - Torwandschießen
Play Caption
In English we say something is "even better" or that it is getting "better and better." The latter exists in German as well and is often constructed with the verb werden, the word immer, and a comparative adjective.
Man wird ja immer besser durch die Übung.
One does get even [always] better through practice.
Caption 26, Singer-Songwriter - Sebastian Niklaus
Play Caption
As you can see, this construction can be used with most adjectives:
Sie wird im Spiegel immer kleiner
It gets smaller and smaller in the mirror
Caption 85, Wincent Weiss & Benni Freibott - Musik sein
Play Caption
Und deshalb wird es auch immer wichtiger werden,
And therefore it is going to become more and more important
dieses auch in Zukunft, äh, zu verstärken.
to, uh, also emphasize this in the future.
Captions 35-36, Angela Merkel - beim Nachhaltigkeitsrat
Play Caption
Sie ist, äh, durch die Erweiterung des Flughafens
It has, uh, through the expansion of the airport,
natürlich immer komplexer geworden...
become more and more complex, of course...
Captions 35-36, Berlins regierender Bürgermeister - Pläne für 2014
Play Caption
However, make sure to take context of the sentence and the presence or absence of werden into account. The sentence below shows that immer can be combined with an adjective and still just mean "always."
Wenn man gemeinsam reist, ist es immer besser.
It's always better if you travel together.
Caption 20, Traumberuf - Windsurfer
Play Caption
Further Learning
Based on the tips above, how would you translate the phrase immer wieder? Do a search on Yabla German!
Auch im zweiten Drittel ließen die Löwen nicht locker.
Even in the second third of the game, the Löwen did not relax.
Caption 25, Eishockey - Löwen Frankfurt - EC Bad Nauheim
Play Caption
You are likely used to auch meaning "also," but did you know that it can mean "even" as well? There are three words for the adverb "even" that are essentially interchangeable in German: auch, selbst, and sogar. They are often combined with wenn. Below we see that auch wenn means "even if" and sometimes "even though":
Auch wenn es mir mein Herz zerreißt
Even if it tears my heart up
Caption 5, Beatrice Egli - Irgendwann
Play Caption
Doch auch wenn im Film viel Basketball gespielt wird:
But even though a lot of basketball is played in the movie,
Ein Sportfilm soll es dennoch nicht werden.
it is not intended to be a sports movie.
Captions 45-46, Dreharbeiten - zum Film „Playoff“
Play Caption
In a previous lesson, we wrote about how the word selbst is used in the context of a person having made or done something themselves. However, in certain contexts, it is placed in front of the subject and means "even" as well:
Doch selbst bei Temperaturen wie im Kühlschrank...
But even at temperatures like in the refrigerator...
Caption 31, Alpenseen - Kühle Schönheiten
Play Caption
Selbst ausgewachsen werden diese Tintenfische gerade mal zwanzig Zentimeter groß.
Even fully grown, these squid will only become twenty centimeters long.
Caption 28, Abenteuer Nordsee - Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen
Play Caption
The dual meaning of selbst means that it cannot be used in every sentence, because it would cause confusion. You have likely heard sogar more often:
In Berlin treten die besten von ihnen sogar in Wettkämpfen gegeneinander an.
In Berlin, the best of them even enter into competitions against one another.
Caption 34, Currywurst - Berlins schärfstes Stück
Play Caption
Er kann sogar den Airbus A dreihundertachtzig drücken und ziehen.
It can even push and pull an Airbus A three hundred eighty.
Caption 18, Frankfurter Flughafen - Flugzeugschlepper
Play Caption
Further Learning
For further examples, just do a simple search, as there are many on Yabla German!
See if you can also find examples of noch, which can also be translated as "even" when it augments an adjective.
This week, we'll take a look at the word wohl and its different usages in German.
The word wohl by itself is used to create a tone of assumption or affirmation in a sentence, meaning "indeed," "likely," "probably," or "apparently." Understanding the exact level of certainty or affirmation involved will require looking at the verb tenses and other context clues in the sentence.
Und das wird wohl auch erst mal so bleiben.
And it will first also likely stay like that.
Caption 19, Andreas Bourani - Startet durch
Play Caption
Am Ende hat es dann doch wohl gepasst.
In the end it did indeed, fit well.
Caption 65, Clueso - ist endlich erwachsen
Play Caption
Relatedly, the phrase jawohl means "yes, indeed":
Ich finde, hier ist es besser. Jawohl!
I think it's better here. Indeed!
At the same time, the word wohl also refers to well-being. We often see the verb sich wohlfühlen, which means to feel "well," "happy," or "comfortable."
Die Rote Meerbarbe ... fühlt sich seitdem in der Nordsee wohl.
The red mullet ... since then, has felt just fine in the North Sea.
Captions 22-23, Abenteuer Nordsee - Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen
Play Caption
Alle fühlen sich hier wohl, ist aber nicht ganz meine Musik.
Everyone's feeling comfortable here, but it's not really my type of music.
Caption 38, Deutsche Sporthilfe - Ball des Sports
Play Caption
As you may have guessed, this meaning of wohl relates to the phrase zum Wohl, which is often used in toasts.
Wenn wir anstoßen, sagen wir „zum Wohl“ oder einfach nur „prost“.
When we clink glasses, we say "to health!" or simply just "cheers!"
Caption 18, Tisch decken - mit Eva
Play Caption
Further Learning
Look for more examples with the word wohl on Yabla German and see if you can integrate it into a sentence the next time you converse or write sentences in German. What do you think the words das Wohlfühlhotel, der Wohlfühleffekt, die Wohlfühloase, der Wohlfühlort or der Wohlfühlanzug might mean?
Reflexive verbs have a substantial presence in the German language. There are quite a few verbs that are not reflexive in English, but always reflexive in German, for example, sich beeilen ("to hurry"). It is important to know which verbs require a reflexive pronoun in German, but also that certain verbs may sometimes be reflexive and sometimes not, which then affects their meaning.
For example, sich umziehen means "to change clothes," while umziehen means "to move":
Dann würde ich sagen, gehe ich mich mal umziehen.
Then, I'd say, I'll go and change.
Hast du Klamotten für mich?
Do you have some clothes for me?
Caption 13, Ultimate Frisbee - Oli erklärt das Spiel
Play Caption
In wenigen Wochen werden Kato, Scratch und Lina ganz in den Zoo Neuwied umziehen.
In a few weeks, Kato, Scratch and Lina will move full-time into the Neuwied zoo.
Caption 38, Wie süß - Drei Löwen im Wohnzimmer
Play Caption
Similarly, sich hinlegen means "to lie down" in the sense of going to bed, but hinlegen simply means "to set down" or "to put down."
Ich muss mich beeilen, damit ich mich bald hinlegen kann.
I have to hurry so that I can go to bed soon.
Caption 68, Berufsleben - das Vorstellungsgespräch
Play Caption
Hm, ich weiß genau, dass ich die Schwimmer hier irgendwo hingelegt hab'.
Hm, I know for sure that I put the floats down here somewhere.
Vorstellen means "to present," whereas sich vorstellen can mean either "to introduce oneself" (with the accusative pronoun) or "to imagine" (with the dative pronoun).
Hallo, heute werde ich dir die Schultern, die Arme und die Hände vorstellen.
Hello, today I'll present the shoulders, the arms and the hands.
Captions 1-2, Der menschliche Körper - die Arme
Play Caption
Ich könnte mir gar kein Leben ohne Kinder vorstellen.
I couldn't at all imagine a life without children.
Caption 15, Cettina interviewt - Mütter
Play Caption
Könnten Sie sich uns kurz vorstellen und beschreiben, was Sie hier machen?
Could you quickly introduce yourself to us and describe what you do here?
Caption 6, Feuerwehr Heidelberg - Löschfahrzeug
Play Caption
After some very pleasant summer weather, the last week has been very rainy in Germany. Like English, German has many words and expressions to describe different types of rain. Let's take a look at some examples from Yabla German.
In Berlin, we most often only have vereinzelte Schauer (what we refer to in English as "scattered showers"), but in other parts of the country flooding can become a real problem:
Heutiger Hochwasserstand: wieder mindestens zehn Zentimeter.
Today's flood water level: at least ten centimeters again.
Caption 44, Die Klasse - Berlin '61
Play Caption
Even when it isn't dangerous, rain can create a lot of complications:
Der Dauerregen drückte zwar nicht auf die Stimmung...
The constant rain didn't dampen the mood...
Caption 7, FC Bayern München - Triple-Feier im Dauerregen
Play Caption
The Piggeldy and Frederick cartoon linked below has quite an exhaustive list of types of rain:
Es gibt Platzregen, Dauerregen, Sprühregen,
There are cloudbursts, [there is] constant rain, misty rain,
Nieselregen, Eisregen, Landregen, Gewitterregen,
drizzle, freezing rain, steady rain, thunder shower,
Sommerregen, Winterregen und Bindfadenregen."
summer rain, winter rain and string-like rain [pouring rain]."
Captions 10-12, Piggeldy und Frederick - Regen
Play Caption
One other word to know is der Niederschlag ("precipitation") which is often used in weather reports:
Von Westen her kommen dann wieder Tiefausläufer,
Low-pressure areas are then coming from the west again,
die dann eben auch Niederschlag mit sich bringen können.
which can also then bring precipitation with them.
Captions 22-23, Rheinmain im Blick - Der Frühling ist da
Play Caption
Further Learning
What kinds of rain are common where you live? Try to find the equivalent in German. For a challenge, watch this weather report for last week from der Spiegel.
Every language has words that sound similar and are easy to mix up for non-native speakers, so this week we will look at the verbs verschwinden ("to disappear") and verschwenden ("to waste").
Wieso verschwinden sie?
Why are they disappearing?
Caption 8, Abgedreht - Heinrich und der Tassendieb
Play Caption
Ich mag es nicht, Lebensmittel zu verschwenden.
I do not like to waste food.
Caption 50, Werbung gegen Realität - Kunstprojekt Fertigprodukte
Play Caption
The past participles of the verbs are also important to memorize. The past participle of verschwinden is verschwunden, and the past tense uses the auxiliary verb sein rather than haben:
Heute sind sie nahezu verschwunden.
Today, they have almost disappeared.
Caption 22, Flipperautomaten - Kunstwerke für flinke Kugeln
Play Caption
Verschwendet, which is the past participle of verschwenden, requires the auxiliary verb haben. However, it is often also used as an adjective and there is also the noun die Verschwendung.
Diese Zeit des Suchens,
This time spent looking for things,
äh, is' so 'ne Zeit, die ich verschwendet finde.
uh, is a time that I find to be wasted.
Caption 18, Tapetenwechsel - Barbara Becker mag es aufgeräumt
Play Caption
„Welch eine Verschwendung von Gelb!", sagte Piggeldy.
"What a waste of yellow!" said Piggeldy.
Caption 36, Piggeldy und Frederick - Gelb
Play Caption
Further Learning
Create your own devices to make sure you don't confuse the words (For example, you can remember that verschwinden and "disappear" both have an "i" in them) or their past participles. And you can always look for additional examples on Yabla German.
The German present perfect tense is mostly used in cases where we would use the simple past tense in English, although sometimes it has the same meaning in both languages. You likely know that it is most often formed with the auxiliary verb haben and the past participle of the main verb:
Und wir haben über die Themen Iran und, äh, auch den Nahen Osten gesprochen.
And we spoke about the topic of Iran and, uh, also the Middle East.
Caption 58, Angela Merkel - Gemeinsame Pressekonferenz mit Barack Obama
Play Caption
However, with many verbs that either express movement or a change of state, a conjugation of sein is used as the auxiliary verb rather than haben.
Für zwei Wochen bin ich durchs Land gereist.
For two weeks, I traveled across the country.
Caption 20, Grete - eine Freiwillige in Israel
Play Caption
Ich bin nach Berlin gekommen, um ein Praktikum zu machen am Theater.
I came to Berlin to do an internship at the theater.
Caption 21, Fine - sucht eine Wohnung
Play Caption
Hier ist auch alles gut, aber da ist etwas Komisches passiert.
Everything is also good here, but something strange has happened.
Caption 44, Das Lügenbüro - Die Bewerbung
Play Caption
Um dreizehn Uhr dreißig:
At one-thirty p.m.,
Die Beatles sind aufgewacht, etwas früher als zu Hause.
the Beatles woke up, somewhat earlier than at home.
Caption 11, Die Beatles - in Deutschland
Play Caption
What is quite tricky is that some verbs can be used with either sein or haben depending on the context, and may take on different meanings. The second sentence below implies that the person didn't just fly in a plane as a passenger, but was at the controls themselves.
Wir sind zum Mond geflogen
We flew to the moon
Caption 2, Christina Stürmer - Seite an Seite
Play Caption
Hat vieles selber gebaut, was er geflogen hat.
He built a lot of that which he flew himself.
Caption 54, Lokalhelden - Mini-Airplane
Play Caption
Further Learning
Learn the definitions and past participles of the following verbs, which also take sein rather than haben in the present perfect: gehen, laufen, einschlafen, rennen, joggen, wandern, klettern, fallen, steigen, fahren, reiten, umziehen, fliehen, gleiten, springen, kriechen, aufstehen, sinken, schleichen, eintreten, schwimmen, rutschen. Once you learn the past participles, search for them on Yabla German to see them used with the auxiliary verb sein in context.
The German imperative mood, or command form, can be very difficult or very easy depending on whom you are addressing. This week, we'll look at some various examples from Yabla German to highlight what you'll need to keep in mind.
For a person or group of people that you would address as Sie, the command form is quite easy. You will simply say the root of the verb with -en added (in most cases this will be identical to the infinitive) followed by Sie:
Nehmen Sie bitte Platz, Frau Sonntag.
Please have a seat, Ms. Sonntag.
Caption 35, Das Lügenbüro - Die Bewerbung
Play Caption
Bitte, seien Sie jetzt ganz still.
Please, be completely silent now.
Caption 60, Magie - Die Zaubershow
Play Caption
For a group of people you would address as ihr, you will simply use the present tense conjugation. The subject ihr, however, is no longer included in the sentence.
Gebt mir die schönen Sätze. Jacob beginnt.
Give me the [your] nice sentences. Jacob will begin.
Caption 20, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren - Relativsätze mit Präpositionen
Play Caption
The most difficult imperative sentences to form are those for people you would refer to as du, because there are several different patterns they can follow depending on the characteristics of the verb. For weak verbs, the form will be the verb's stem, although an "e" is added to the end with certain consonants. For strong verbs, the imperative will take into account any changes to the root that occur. In any case, du does not usually appear in the sentence.
Atme ganz tief ein
Breathe in very deeply
Caption 43, Christina Stürmer - Wir leben den Moment
Play Caption
Aber schau mal hier.
But look here.
Caption 23, Bubble Beatz - Supertalente vom Schrottplatz
Play Caption
„Vergiss es! Das wird nicht passieren.“
"Forget it! It won't happen."
Caption 74, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Hans mein Igel
Play Caption
Sei ruhig, Findus, ich bin ja noch gar nicht aufgestanden.
Be quiet, Findus, I indeed haven't gotten up yet at all.
Komm, bleib kurz stehen, nimm meine Hand
Come, stand still for a brief moment, take my hand
Caption 5, Michelle - Paris
Play Caption
Further Learning
For more information on the du imperative, look at this website or this website. If you wish to make flashcards, use the second column of the table on this page, which shows the du imperative for a number of common strong verbs.
It has been a somewhat temperamental summer in Germany, but there have certainly already been a number of hot days. Germans flock to rivers, pools, and lakes to swim, not to mention the North Sea and the Baltic Sea! Let's look at the German words for various bodies of water.
Der See ist fast einhundertneunzig Meter tief.
The lake is almost one hundred ninety meters deep.
Caption 5, Alpenseen - Kühle Schönheiten - Part 6
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Achtung: Der See means "the lake," but die See means "the sea." Das Meer is also a common word for "the sea."
Fünf kleine Pinguine schwimmen durch das Meer.
Five little penguins are swimming through the sea.
Caption 22, Kinderlieder zum Mitsingen - Fünf Pinguine
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Like in English, an ocean differs from a sea:
Mein Goldfisch, der heißt Friedolin und wohnt im Ozean.
My goldfish, he's called Friedolin and lives in the ocean.
Caption 25, Pänke - Friedolin
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There are some rivers in Germany that are approved for swimming, but if not you can always go to a swimming pool. In the summer, outdoor pools (Freibäder) are particularly popular.
Der Neckar ist ein Fluss, der durch Tübingen fließt.
The Neckar is a river that flows through Tübingen.
Caption 16, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren - Der Relativsatz
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Das ist quasi so ein offener Bereich mit einem Schwimmbad...
That is, so to speak, an open area with a swimming pool...
Caption 25, Reisen - Dalís Haus
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Ponds and streams are not as popular for swimming, but we'll include them for the sake of vocabulary expansion!
Es war der Teich und am Rand stand die violette Blume.
It was the pond and at the edge stood the violet flower.
Caption 51, Märchen - Sagenhaft - Jorinde und Joringel
Play Caption
Bald ist der Bach überschwemmt mit Eiern.
Soon the stream is inundated with eggs.
Caption 25, Alpenseen - Kühle Schönheiten - Part 2
Play Caption
Further Learning
Make sure you have memorized the gender of these vocabulary words. What do you think are the genders of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea? You can also start learning the German names for famous bodies of water. Can you guess what das Mittelmeer and das Rote Meer are? Look them up on Yabla German!
Ich fahr' heut' in Urlaub und zeig' euch, was ich alles mitnehmen werde.
I'm going on vacation today and I'll show you everything that I'm taking with me.
Caption 2, Christiane - fährt in den Urlaub
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Did you know that the summer vacation for some federal states in Germany is only beginning now? In many states, it doesn't start until mid-July. This break is called die Sommerferien. This is an exciting time because many people plan their Urlaub. Der Urlaub also means vacation, but implies travel. Look at the last example of this newsletter for clarification on the difference between der Urlaub and die Ferien.
Of course, in order to take a vacation, you have to have time off work. In German, the expression for this is frei haben.
Timo Uetz hat frei und verdient schon sein eigenes Geld.
Timo Uetz is off work and is already earning his own money.
Caption 72, Deutsche Welle - Lieber Ausbildung als Studium
Play Caption
Sobald ich mal frei habe,
As soon as I have a free day
könnten wir vielleicht alle zusammen essen gehen. -OK.
we could all go out to eat together. -OK.
Captions 30-31, Eva erklärt - temporale Konnektoren
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Some people don't get time off, and have to make do with taking short breaks at work. The phrase for this is eine Pause machen.
Na gut. Wir können ja 'ne kurze Pause machen.
Well, OK. We can indeed take a short break.
Caption 17, JoNaLu - Ein Tag am Meer
Play Caption
When the evenings are long and the weather is nice, der Feierabend is particularly enjoyable. This word has no direct equivalent in English, but it basically describes the leisure time after the work day is over.
Hast du wieder 'nen Zahnarzttermin?
Do you have another dentist appointment?
-Ich mach' Feierabend.
-I'm stopping work for the day.
Caption 21, Mama arbeitet wieder - Kapitel 3: Papa ist weg
Play Caption
Timo Uetz hat endlich Feierabend.
For Timo Uetz, it's finally the end of the work day.
Caption 60, Deutsche Welle - Lieber Ausbildung als Studium
Play Caption
Further Learning
Make sure you have memorized the gender of der Urlaub and die Ferien, and look for more implementations of the expressions frei haben, Pause machen, Feierabend machen and Feierabend haben on Yabla German.
Zu Beginn der Mahlzeit sagen wir „guten Appetit“.
At the beginning of the meal we say "Enjoy your meal."
Caption 19, Tisch decken - mit Eva
Play Caption
Die Mahlzeit is the German word for "meal." This week, we'll look at the details of the verbs and nouns used to indicate different meals, and a few relevant phrases.
You likely already know the nouns das Frühstück, das Mittagessen, and das Abendessen. Remember that frühstucken as a verb is not separable, whereas the verbs mittagessen and abendessen are.
Jetzt frühstücken wir erst mal.
Now, we'll eat breakfast first.
Und dann essen wir zusammen Mittag.
And then we'll eat lunch together.
Caption 21, Deutschkurs in Blaubeuren - Relativsätze mit Präpositionen
Play Caption
Another important word to know is das Abendbrot, which is used quite often instead of das Abendessen, particularly when describing a light or cold supper:
Nach einer entspannten Fahrt steht das Abendessen an.
After a relaxing ride, dinner is next on the agenda.
Caption 26, Vollmondfahrt - Rhätische Bahn
Play Caption
Er machte ein heißes Feuer im Ofen für den guten Fisch zum Abendbrot.
He made a hot fire in the oven for the good fish for dinner.
Caption 36, Janoschs Traumstunde - Post für den Tiger
Play Caption
The phrase essen gehen is similar to ins Restaurant gehen.
Wird dann auch gemeinsam gekocht oder gehen Sie essen?
Do you then also cook together or go out to eat?
Caption 39, Weihnachtsinterviews - Diane in Karlsruhe
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If you are lucky enough to hear the phrase Ich lade dich ein, be happy. It is not just an invitation to go out to eat together, it means that someone wants to pay for your meal!
Ich hab' ihr ja schon hundertmal gesagt,
I told her already a hundred times
sie soll ihn endlich mal zum Eisessen einladen.
she should just invite him to eat an ice cream.
Caption 53, Die Pfefferkörner - Eigentor
Play Caption
Further Learning
Scroll down on these webpages to take a look at these thorough lists of the conjugations of the verbs frühstücken, mittagessen, and abendessen from Duden.
Every language has certain words that are used often in everyday life, to the extent that they may seem to shape the language and the culture. One such word in German, with a myriad of implementations, would have to be the verb schaffen.
The verb schaffen can mean "to do," "to manage," "to achieve," "to cope with," or "to successfully complete something," to "make it" or "make it work."
Oh, aber das schaffst du doch auch alleine!
Oh, but you'll manage it alone after all!
Caption 64, Großstadtrevier - Von Monstern und Mördern
Play Caption
However, it can also mean "to create," "to make," or "to bring something into being."
Es ging eigentlich darum, Wohnraum zu schaffen in der Stadt.
It was actually about, creating living spaces in the city.
Caption 20, Umweltbewusstes Wohnen - Architekturpreis Green Building
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There is one thing to watch out for with the verb schaffen, and this is that the two meanings are reflected with two different participles when it is used in the past tense. Here we see the past participle for the first definition:
Juhu, dann haben wir's geschafft!
Yahoo, then we've done it!
Caption 41, Deutschkurs in Tübingen - Weil oder obwohl?
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Damit hat man also den ersten Schritt im Bewerbungsverfahren geschafft.
With that, you have succeeded with the first step in the application process.
Caption 42, Eva erklärt - Bewerbungen
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Whereas geschafft would refer to something being successfully done or achieved, geschaffen refers to creation:
Hier, mitten im Zentrum von Berlin,
Here, in the center of Berlin,
[gefahren auf einem speziellen Kurs]
[driving on a special course]
haben sich BMX-Fahrer und Mountainbiker ihr Eldorado geschaffen.
BMX riders and mountain bikers have created their El Dorado.
Captions 4-5, Pumptrack - Rad fahren, ohne zu treten
Play Caption
Mit Höckern und Bänken
With stools and benches,
sollen Verschnaufmöglichkeiten für Senioren geschaffen werden.
possibilities [places] for seniors to rest and catch their breath will be created.
Captions 44-45, Bespielbare Stadt - Griesheim
Play Caption
Further Learning
Here is a list of the conjugations of schaffen, including the preterite schaffte and schuf. See which of these conjugations you can find in use on Yabla German!
In English, we talk about events or circumstances having "advantages" or "disadvantages," or the "pros and cons" of a situation. Let's take a look at the vocabulary used to express these qualities in German.
Der Vorteil can be translated as "the advantage" or "the benefit":
Vorteil: Schließt man den Schirm, ist die nasse Seite innen.
Advantage: If you close the umbrella, the wet side is on the inside.
Caption 9, Erfindung aus Japan - Der verkehrte Regenschirm
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Der Nachteil can be translated as "the disadvantage" or "the drawback":
Die Musik ist manchmal 'n bisschen zu laut.
The music is sometimes a little too loud.
Das ist der Nachteil.
That's the drawback.
Captions 52-53, Rockfabrik-Open-Air - Love-Street-Interview
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Here we can see the plural forms of both of these words:
Das hat viele Vorteile, aber auch Nachteile,
That has many advantages, but also disadvantages,
gesteht der Sänger im Interview.
the singer admits in the interview.
Caption 9, Andreas Bourani - Startet durch
Play Caption
To say that something is "advantageous" or "beneficial," we can use the German adjective vorteilhaft. The opposite of that would be nachteilig or unvorteilhaft. We can also create an adjective by including the word von before the noun:
Und es wär' dann schon von Vorteil zu sagen:
And it would then be advantageous to say:
OK, ich kann die Vorlesung halt eben auch daheim anschauen.
OK, I can also just watch the lecture at home.
Captions 25-26, KIT, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie - Umfrage: Was bedeutet barrierefrei?
Play Caption
Further Learning
After you've looked at these examples on Yabla German, try to figure out the meaning of these additional phrases and sentences:
beiderseitiger Vorteil
finanzieller Vorteil
erheblicher Nachteil
Es gibt sowohl Vor- als auch Nachteile.
Die Vorteile überwiegen die Nachteile.